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Everything posted by Lowbei

  1. you can claim that im baiting, or trolling, if it makes you feel better about being wrong, i dont mind
  2. actually, being a forum mod usually means you are exactly a rabid fanboi and i was only insulting the concept of adding dogs into the game, until some fanbois raged on me for stating my opinion and no, im correct, as you cannot simply give a feral animal some food and have it obey your commands. if you were to attempt this, it would take weeks, or months even, before you could get it to respond to commands like "hunt" "search" or "track" but feel free to keep telling me how i need to calm down because what i said made you feel stupid
  3. i really dont see how you dont get the concept that its unrealistic and domesticated animals usually dont survive very long in the wild, they dont know how to hunt so now im hearing that they are semi - feral? grasping at straws are you? lol dumb concept, and i doubt that rocket is stupid enough to put it in the final version but hey, theres always warz to look forward to as well if dayz turns into trash, we will just have to wait and see and lol at the rabid fanbois telling me to calm down for stating my opinion, get mad scrubs
  4. still no valid response to how ignorant the thought of finding a wild dog, giving it a can of beans, and having it obey your commands is unrealistic bullshit for the wow crowd who need pets cuz they need companionship cuz they either cant make friends, or find more companionship in some digital dog than actual players INC 4 dog group LFG for zombie caverns raid
  5. like i already said, they arent adding dogs to that other game, cuz they arent fucking morons and arent trying to cater to some sadpanda who needs a "companion" because they are lonely and we are talking about NON domesticated dogs here. dogs you find in the wild are obviously non domesticated dogs. you havent "rescued" a wild dog, as WILD dogs dont need to be "rescued" lol. next time try not to waste everyones time with your fanboi ignorance just because someone made valid points that you are butthurt about
  6. notice rocket mentions nothing about how fucking unrealistic they obviously are... losing all faith in this dev
  7. .... dogs have to be the DUMBEST fucking idea i have ever seen in dayz dayz is all about being low profile, sneaking around and generally not being seen, so the devs decide to add DOGS to the game that follow you around, giving you away when hiding in bushes, and for whom commands are given via loud whistles... when i heard about it, i thought this was surely a joke, and that no semi intelligent game dev, knowing how dayz works, would think this was a good idea. on top of this obvious flaw, dayz is all about realism, and theres NOTHING realistic about being able to find a wild feral dog in the woods and suddenly have it obey your commands, especially via whistle, and especially not shit like *go attack this target* just because you gave the animal some food. i live in the south, and theres plenty of wild dogs around here, and it is simply UNREALISTIC to think you can go walk up on one, feed it, and befriend it, much less have it respond to commands. this isnt even mentioning how a 2+ month development time wasted on such a moronic concept shows that i shouldnt be expecting good decisions from this dev team. this isnt a fucking MMO, we dont need PETS. whats next? Tank LFG for Zombie Caverns raid its stuff like this that is making me pay more and more attention to "that other game" since they seem to be taking all the good concepts from this game, and they even call themselves an mmo, yet are smart enough to not be adding pets.
  8. OP = moron, or the biggest moron of all time? and hilarious that he straight up admits that the only reason he has a server is to own the heli and vehicles in it, how pathetic
  9. couple things... trusable? the hell is that? dont tell me its trustable cuz thats not even a word either you have 2 official people? what is an official person? the g36 sd camo is a hacked in weapon and it makes zero sense that you would even mention picking it up, since that has nothing to do with your post. furthermore from your terrible sentence structure and for the reasons listed above, it paints the picture of a young child who is likely terrible at this game and using what is likely hacked in (or at the very least duped) as50s in conclusion, no you cant join my clan, but im sure theres some scrub clans out there with 100+ members who are always looking for new players no matter how bad they are
  10. ooh good idea, i should hack a bunch of stuff and sell it to retards too! whats that? you didnt hack it? we couldnt tell by how shady your concept of selling items was
  11. Lowbei

    Ban Global

  12. Lowbei

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    wait so, you sucked at the game, and when people kill you because they see that you are weak, you hack to kill them? how sad
  13. so im guessing, that this is some raged up kid who got banned and is now mad at the forum mods? lulz didnt click video link
  14. newest and best to date http://lingormap.germandayz.de/
  15. SO fucking tired of seeing the same shit on these forums everyday, from people who are too stupid to either use the search function, or scroll down to find the exact same thread on the SAME fucking page #1. if you find a hacked weapon on a corpse, yes, you can use it, but know that its frowned upon and can be taken from you at any time. #2. if you are hacked and killed, dont make a damn post about it, it happens to all of us, on a regular basis, and the devs AND battleye know about the problem. #3. if you are banned by an admin of a server, dont come bitch about it on the general discussion forum simply because you dont think it will get enough attention in its proper forum. #4. if you think WarZ is going to outdo DayZ and want to blahblah about it, just dont. WarZ is probably vaporware anyway, fake looking screenshots combined with a complete lack of any gameplay videos (it takes 30mins to make a gameplay video, they dont take editing, special effects, a story, none of that) with a wait time of over a month for an expected video (from july 28th to the end of august), a producer who doesnt speak english very well, a website, facebook, and twitter accounts that were all created on july 27th, and a stated 1 yr development time. biggest vaporware scam of 2012, and furthermore nobody here cares, so just dont. #5. if you are raging about a massive camp somewhere and want the whole community to come raid it on some specific server, just dont, not only is that rude as hell, but it makes you look petty and angry that you were likely immediately killed on said server while raiding said camp. #6. if you are trying to setup a "trade" system, ugh, puhleez, spare us your bullshit, very little trading actually happens in dayz, both parties have goods, and both parties likely have pals with sniper rifles in the treeline, why just make a trade with someone when you can take their gear? #7. last but not least, no, we dont want to join your clan, especially if you are recruiting on the forums... and please stop naming yourselves ridiculous ranks like sergeants and lieutenants and whatnot, not only does the game (and your dumb clan) not need ranks for a game like this, but its insulting to the military
  16. please refer to the list of threads that we do not appreciate http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/74587-threads-that-are-getting-old/
  17. Lowbei

    Where does one find dogs?

    good luck with that, you obviously dont know what feral or "wild dog" means im from alabama, and anyone who went up to a pack of wild dogs in the woods, with some meat, attempting to befriend them, would be in for a surprise. hint, he wouldnt come back out of the woods with a pack of friendly animals
  18. Lowbei

    Where does one find dogs?

    the point is that its not realistic, and we are going for realism here in dayz go outside, into the woods (assuming you live in a suburban area) and find yourself a pack of feral dogs, toss them as much meat as you want, they will never suddenly befriend you, much less TRACK anything for you
  19. well im sure the admins are probably a bit tired of moving or removing the same old threads everyday and i found an interesting thread on page2, that would have been on page1 (and thus more viewed) if there wasnt such bullshit on the main page like "DURRR join my clan you can be a Sergeant!"
  20. Lowbei

    Where does one find dogs?

    you can find them... in the garbage, because they are a trashy concept ooh lets have pets because this game isnt about staying concealed and hidden, its about having a pet run around with you, a wild dog, a feral animal, that suddenly decides to do your bidding because you clicked on it since pets were a primary concern last patch, im sure raids are inc, Medic LFG for Zombie Cavern
  21. yes, we certainly love having the few decent threads that come up, bumped off the main page by the ramblings of retards because you enjoy reading qqs
  22. dogs are trash something else to give away the position of baddies, who will then claim they got killed by a hacker, simply cuz their dog gave them away
  23. doesnt really matter, we will discuss it where we feel like, we have been, and will continue to, because its dayz. i have played only lingor for about 3 weeks now, and havent really bothered going back to chernarus. by comparison now, the massive amount of unenterable buildings would make me rage. in lingor, you can go in 99% of buildings.