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Everything posted by Lowbei

  1. gonna guess this is highly frowned upon for admins to lock their servers after restarts so their clan can loot all heli crashes and move all vehicles to their camps... if it IS highly frowned upon, and is obviously only used for such purposes, then why is it allowed? its one thing to lock your server for testing (what exactly you need to be testing im not sure, since theres not a lot of options for admins anyways), but its a bit ridiculous for some of the most stable servers (the ones people flock to) to be locked for the public while clans gather up all the goodies so that nobody else can have them, so that they can feel pro after they kill someone with an L85AW who was wielding a pistol. and no, im not raging, i havent died in the past few days (other than an unfortunate incident between me and a door -.- ), it just seems that if you want the community to do better, you should begin shutting down or placing warnings on servers whose admins are clearly douchebags. and yes, i get that there are a bajillion servers, and that you just dont have the time, but there are trustworthy longtime (relatively) dayz players who are willing to police the game for you. my recommendation, have a forum called "reporting douches" with two threads, one for reporting the names of hackers, and one for reporting servers whose admins are doing trashy stuff, like locking the server after restarts, or banning people for killing their clan members. and of course you cannot just trust anyone who posts, but when enough people mention the same names... yeah
  2. ... right so the answer is, its impossible to fix was hoping to hear an official word on that... you know... like i said in the original post lulz
  3. i dont think some of you are understanding the concept of the topic here let me say it in another way why is battleye so bad at catching the injection of scripts?
  4. strange, i know many mmos that dont have hackers
  5. "Your not going to get an 'official' response here, so basically the point of this thread is to bitch and argue with others. When the developers decide to inform us how the whole script editing situation is going, then by god they will make an official post." why shouldnt they post an official statement? its not like theres a point in trying to keep it a secret, the whole games population knows its rampant... your theory of "they wont do it so why ask" is just stupid. its not bitching to ask for an official statement on one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) issue the game has. bitching would be complaining that i died to a hacker, which i have, but i didnt mention that, did i? oh right, i didnt.
  6. "So you really think the devs are at their desks ignoring this? Grow up" uhhh, yeah, since i havent seen any official statement about it, but maybe you can point me to one once you stop raging at me for asking a valid question "All your assumptsions are wrong. A player cannot access any console, a player has no access to run any scripts. Thats why you need to bypass battleye and the prevention methods put in place for in order to stop people to run scripts, this is why its a "hack". It is impossible to stop hacking, theres no way to prevent it. All you can do is minimize it. I really urge you to stop talking about things you dont know, your statement in regards to battleye not working is as wrong as it can be. Battleyee has done software detection for over a dozen public hacks the past few months, thats more then many other anti cheat systems out there." strange, since all the problems in game come from "players" running scripts, from the console. maybe you should stop running your mouth like a retard and actually discuss the topic rather than whining like a little bitch because someone asked for an official statement on one of the biggest issues in game thats turning away thousands of players. or you could just continue pretending like you know what you are talking about lol. and again, if battleeye worked, there wouldnt be constant mass kill explosions and players flying helis all over the place while invincible and with guns that arent on the dayz mod. and if it wasnt incredibly easy to bypass the "battleeye and prevention methods" by simply downloading a widely used program, i wouldnt have said it. but hey, tell me again how its "hacking" to download and run a program, you are the smart one haha