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About Nezzumi

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  1. Name - omg teleporting around and being invisible. 4am EST driving a car down the road and this guy kept on teleporting infront of me and shooting at me. I could see the flash from the gun but he was invisible.
  2. stuck a knife in my keyboard and swam for an hour. im not getting cold and my health/food are not going down. and i still see no land. this is so stupid.
  3. Yeah. that's what people keep telling me. the last 3 days my deaths have all been to hackers. either teleporting me places, invisible hack. dropping me from up in the air. it is getting really stupid.
  4. no map, no compass. can't see any land. can't kill myself.. time for a new game! happened on US 179 btw. about 2:35pm EST time.
  5. Nezzumi

    I like the game and all.. But.

    the part im talking about is being teleported to and killed. or seeing the gun fire infront of me but no one standing behind it. (invisible player). plus i have had the unfortunate mishap of being in a server when everyone but 1 person died at the same time. pretty sure those aren't sniper rounds from 800+ meters.
  6. Nezzumi

    I like the game and all.. But.

    I usually only play on American servers. And I try to report the stuff everytime it happens. It is just getting to the point that whenever I make progress I usually die to a hacker. I havn't seen any hacked items or vehicles yet. But I have been teleported and dropped to die, teleported and shot to death. nuked when i was in cherno. everyone in the server I was in earlier had their legs broken first. then shot. It is just irritating.
  7. I don't see much of a point to play with all the hacking going on. Pretty much every night that I play I am killed by a hacker. Most of the time it involved being teleported to a spot, Others it's invisible people shooting or teleporting around. I know the game is in alpha and all, but are these cheats able to be done in Arma 2 as well? cuz of so I don't think I am wanna continue to play the mod if the main game can't take care of the cheats. /rant off! and yes, i died to a hacker again.
  8. Nezzumi

    Found A Hacked Gun

    spoils of war! keep it till ur run outta ammo I say!
  9. Nezzumi

    us 1222

    Person started teleporting around and killed about 6 of us almost instantly. time was about 5:50 AM EST would really be nice if this game told who killed you. so that way you could easily report it.
  10. Nezzumi

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    if we are just supposed to "google" to see where we are going. why can't we just spawn with a map and avoid that part? I know personally in the survival bag i have in the basement there is a map/compass/matches/knife/water bottle. you know... the basic shit.
  11. Nezzumi

    US114 Kansas

    5:15 AM EST Hacker teleporting around killing everyone. then he started teleporting us all to a location and killing us. he was invisible too. the only person on the server that didnt die was a person with the name Phizy
  12. Nezzumi

    hack advertising... wtf

    I agree that it should tell you who killed you, but not the location.
  13. Nezzumi

    US 292

    joined, played for a bit. then everyone was teleported to the same spot, about 50 feet up and we all fell to our deaths. Joy. happened about 8:45 EST