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About sirfluffkillington

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. sirfluffkillington

    What Weapons Can Take Down a Helicopter?

    It's just Hueys in DayZ isn't it? Assuming so (based on time in Arma 2) 5.56 rounds and lower probably won't be much use against the body of the thing, you could try to put rounds through to kill the pilot but I reckon you'd be wasting time. All I can say for sure is anything firing .50 rounds will damage the body, and can penetrate the windshield to kill the pilot.
  2. More like Arma PvP with zombies. The attitude is pretty typical lol. However, there's a lack of anything much else to do unless you're a mountain man, and of course there's always the fact that people are people. All the time. It's not quite there yet, but it probably will be nigh on fully fledged by the time stuff that might counter this gets in.
  3. sirfluffkillington

    Do you ever feel like getting awesome guns is a waste?

    Had some nice ones, always seem to end up with ol' faithful hatchet. However, I hardly ever fight at range so a decent sidearm more than suffices.
  4. '... being assaulted by a hooting, shrieking, sprinting bush'. Sold!
  5. sirfluffkillington

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    If it was the AWS variant I hope it was removed. Jam the acog/susat in there - job done.
  6. It's alpha - now's the time to find out XD Do it!
  7. sirfluffkillington

    Chicago 47 - HACK LAND?

    Only thing I can tell you for sure is that the fire's just an Arma bug. Was the cause of much panic in warfare games XD No idea about the rest though.
  8. sirfluffkillington

    "Hey, I know you!"

    That's a pretty good idea you've got there. Actually it's damn good.
  9. sirfluffkillington


    Careful lads, f*** the tiger - there's a bush with a gun in the middle of the screen.
  10. sirfluffkillington

    Turn up those min system specs

    Mmm don't think you'll get amazing performance no matter what, but there's a few tricks to eke a little more out. antialiasing and post processing can both be disabled. Shadows too if necessary. Playing with the other video settings can give interesting results (couple of lads reported frame rate DROP on lower settings if you can believe that). In addition if you go to Documents\ArmA2 and open up the cfg files (use notepad or notepad++ or something), change the value GPU_MaxFramesAhead='x' to something much lower than 1000 lol. Try 3 or whatever the GPU_DetectedFramesAhead value is. That's about all I can think of really.
  11. sirfluffkillington

    Really Dudes???

  12. sirfluffkillington

    Less weapon spawn + no starter weapon = GG

    I can't agree that it's unplayable. It's insanely hard when you start out, that is true. There's very little margin for error, but I much prefer this end of the spectrum to the other. Even running around like a numpty for a day with a crowbar because there was not a gun to be found. Either that or some bastard had nicked all the mags. It can make you rage, but it pays off in adrenaline in the tough spots, and massive reward when you find something you really need. As for broken this, broken that. It's to be expected - you report it and keep on keeping on. If you can't do that just cool your heels with something else for a while and come back fresh.
  13. sirfluffkillington

    What is the opinion on camo faces?

    Can't remember when but at one point I had the camo faces available in my profile settings in game - switched to them when I got bored of my custom faces (including fluorescent pink for ease of recognition, and sheer stupidity). I'd be surprised if they were suddenly disallowed.
  14. sirfluffkillington

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Longer version elsewhere. Still think it's possible. Temperature: drops? If it stays too low for too long you get hypothermia: intial shakes (or none since you stop shivering), then weakness - after a while can't run, can't lift a gun or at least shoot it accurately. Too long like that you go into shock (could just do fall over unconscious) and, shortly after, die.Make it reversible right until just before the end. Achieved by proximity to warmth (other player sets up fire next to affected player) and/or a direct item (blanket of some sort'd do. Regaining temp occurs slowly over time, and you're forced prone or sitting for the duration. If you DO recover you're infected (current infection mechanic) anyway and you're gonna need antibiotics too. Wounds: Get shot you're in trouble. Shaky aim at least. Preferred: legs = forced prone, arms = shakes when aiming, torso = walk only. A person can minister to themself to prevent imminent death, but retains the problems (always prone, shakes, never-run) until another player does a 'full heal' using item: medical toolbox, like a bloodbag works only on someone else. Will stop all the problems and render the injured fit again. Chance of infection to that mechanic, meaning lucky patched up gunshot victim now needs antibiotics. Survivors aren't surgeons in sterile conditions. More tears, more profit.
  15. sirfluffkillington

    Did crossbows get nerfed in 1.6 patch?

    Great if you object to people shooting you in close quarters - insta drop. Sadly I get the occasional attack of conscience that means I drop the zombie creeping up on someone and then run away...while they're still trying to work out where the bolt came from XD