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About mike-lawrey@gmx.de

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  1. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    If u have read the starting post u would know
  2. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Right now the Fun on DayZ is gone, because every player who grabbed a Hacked gun saved it in at least 1 Tent and Dupes it every time. I've done it myself after i found a Hackercrate on a friends server. Now i have plenty of Guns and dont kow what to do. It not really fun to know after getting killed i have just get my gear back of any tent i pitched. So, Wipe all out and everybody can restart. And the Hackers can, in my opinion, go to Hell
  3. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Clan caught Hackin

    Today we went near Cherno on the Server of a friend (DE 3434) and there was a group of 3 with Clan-Tag [-HøD-] Spawning with their Black SUV about 20 Meters in front of me. I will try to get a Pic of the SUV if its still there but i made a screenshot of the three at the moment when i logged off to prevent from getting killed and we stopped the server after that.
  4. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Counter sniper measures

    Yeah, I have a TWS in one of my Tents too. but im not using it because im not a Sniper. I like real Fights. So i use the M4 Holo SD i grabbed of a Dead Hackers Body together with his PDW-SD and his Radio. WTF is wrong with those Fu**** Hacker noobs? why is it fun to destroy such good ideas of a game and the fun it makes to play? By the way how do u guys think about using hacked weapons? because im not sure if i should use them in awarenes of getting global banned.
  5. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    How can lone player increase humanity?

    I really have to laugh about the most Posts on this forum are only because the Players like the Thread opener here cant read. Its in the Wiki that u get 150 Humanity plus every 5 Minutes in game. That really pisses me off because i want to be a Bandit and im not a noob Hunter. I like real Fights with the enemy so im mostly in the Northern Part of the Map and try to get a real fight. But the most Players are Campin Cherno or Elektro or are sniping NWA. Maybe a few of u wanna meet for a nice Battle somewhere in the Northern Woods so we can Battle!!! Just PM me for this. And please Read the Forums or the Wiki instead of asking/spamming the Forums
  6. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    problems with debug monitor

    Guys, maybe u should read the patchlog before posting some of ur stupid questions. None - ARMA II standart HUD (no HUD) Debug - Debug Monitor but no working Icons Default - Working icons without Debug Monitor. If u wanna test the game (and thats were here for) read the damn Forums and News!!!! This questions are really annoying
  7. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Hero vs Bandit

    And then this game starts to compete with COD or BF3. I like the Ideas dont get me wrong but this game in my opinion works that great because it has none of them. No rewards exept for ur hard work u maybe find a good weapon after firefight on dead body or such. It will turn into a Multiplayerversion of Stalker (by the way I would die for a Stalker MMO) and then it will lose fans because of COD or BF3 have the better bla bla bla. I am actually Bandit. But since i running mostly with Ghillie suits i dont see my Bandit skin anyway neither can anybody else. So maybe they should just give the opinion for everybody how to look like as Hero/Bandit/Survivor.
  8. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    I have an 6870 and a Phenom II x6 I tried it with tray tool on 6, 4, 2 threads and nothin worked for me. But temp. fixes like "flush", Vsync (on/off), video memory (def/other), relog and AA sometimes helps me to get through. If nothing works at all, take GPS and look on the ground u can still hear the shooting or steps and such and if u know where the artifacts are and where u want to go u can still walk through.
  9. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    DayZ Stories

    Yeah, Happened 10 Mins ago. Was on a Server (LU352) with a Friend of mine to kill a few poor guys in Elektro. I joined first on the roof of the Medic station and there was already a body lieing near me. And on the very Top of medic station i saw a guy for a few secs and then he laid down also. So i waited till he raised his head again. He did and i got my first Bandit Kill with my new Char. Then i recognized that the other body lieing next to me wasn't dead (i heard the Heartbeat when i looked at him), shot, Murder. Yay! My friend joined in on the top where the Bandit Body was. And he told me that there is a Guy on the Hill Above the Powerplant, not sure if dead or alive. I watched at that time some poor Boy in the school running left to right, right to left, up and down with no realy plan^^. Then my friend got shot from the guy on the Hill. And i got Kicked because of Battleeye (damnit). So i wanted to join on another Server change Position and get the Sniper on the Hill from behind. But when I spawned on another Server i was in a complete different Building below or in the Floor. Moved a bit and "Crack" Broke my neck instantly. I know this is Alpha State and we're here to test it but it is so awful to get killed by such a F****** S***. At least i wish i got killed by the Sniper like my friend was.
  10. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Sick of hackers? Then stop whining and help fight back.

    And if everybody is thinking like u, its the same with everything else. Don`t do anything it will become good by the time. BULLSHIT We have to fight against it with Emails and support tickets to the sites who are accepting that there are such Douchebags with no life and whom only target it is to destroy the fun of everybody else. Its like Politics. If u want something changed, Change it or at least try it. It will need only one post of every player (1 Mio) of dayz they have to admit it. Fight against those Assholes who wants to destroy our Gaming fun with DayZ or any other Game. Dont look at it and think: "EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALLRIGHT"
  11. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Why have to be some A**h**** ruining the game?

    But when u Zoom in the Pic, u will see a Crosshair like Mark on the center of Forehead with "NEGER" in German its the word for "nig**" and on the left Ball u will read Hitler. Thats what made me posting this Pic.
  12. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    need help enjoying this game

    As I allways say: Learning by Dieing U will get the Clue and when u get a mic maybe u will even find friends ingame. At my first try`s to get into the game i was really frustrated because i had (not like the vids ive seen) to start without GUN. By now im playin in my 4th week on Chernarus and since yesterday I play also Lingor Island. And i found some awesome friends in the Game from different Countries who will even Run over the whole map to rescue or help me out when im in trouble as I do it for them. The sad thing is that many Servers Deactivated VON so u cant speak in Game. And there is only one rule for me left in the Game: Even if somebody would say hes friendly, the only Guys im trusting are with me on TS3 or Skype. We are about 10-13 Poeple when we go out for a Raid. And these Guys are More new friends that i met ingame instead of old friends I played other games with. Sry im not that good in english writing^^
  13. Hi there, tonight i was joining a Server (lu240) and as i get to the map screen, i see this: I dont know if these poeple got no hobbys or their just bored. But this things shouldn`t be done anywhere!!! Greetz Mars
  14. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Cant connect to any servers.

    Again D-Dos? Damn it. Why want them kids to destroy such a great game?
  15. mike-lawrey@gmx.de

    Cant connect to any servers.

    Yea i forgot to mention it. We both updatet to 1.62.95208 Beta Patch