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About Fusselkopf

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Drums, swimming, sailing, surfing and well right now playing arma with friends

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  • Bio
    In northern germany born and raised
    In Chernarus I've spent most of my days
    Chilling out, driving, relaxing all cool
    And all shooting some Zombies outside of the school
    When a couple of bandits, they were up to no good
    Started shooting friends in my neighbourhood
    I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
    And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in chernogorsk"
  1. Hello everybody my name is Fusselkopf aka Robin. As you can tell my name is german and without any further excesses I wanna skip to the point of this post. Me and my 5 friends are playing dayz for quite a while now ( over 4 weeks I guess ) and after a while we thought why not look for a clan? So here I am writing in the name of me and my friends. A few things to us and our request. We are all from germany and educated in english classes as well so if you are a clan and want to invite us : We can speak english as well as german! Another thing: Up to date we always operated over skype so if you are not a clan but still want to play with us you might want to add me (therobbedrobber name: Fusselkopf) So as a conclusion a clan with a teamspeak server would be approved. All of us have a long life full of gaming behind us so you don't have to expect noobs. And this is pretty much it if you have any further questions in any possible matter I'd gladly answer them. hope to hear from the community soon :) Fusselkopf
  2. Fusselkopf

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey I am Fusselkopf (Robin in Dayz) I'm from germany and usually playing with 5 friends. As said before this mod really rocks :) Hope you'll all have a good time :)