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Posts posted by Koker

  1. So to create DayZ which is a mod of Arma 2 it needed to alter the code to allow certain things to be put into the game. Why was this allowed and not banned? Either way, DayZ staff has stated numerous times that DayZ is just a mod that uses the Arma 2 game. You bought Arma 2, not DayZ remember. So on the topic of global bans, the players that get banned lose the ability to get on servers that have battle eye attatched to them limiting their online capabilitites. Is this right? I'm not sure. I know we all hate the script kids and hackers but what should happen is the player should be booted from the server until the detected program is not found anymore, they obviously say it works to catch and ban players why not just kick them until they are all cleared to go or suspend them for a specified time.

  2. Same here:

    US1121 (

    Im updated and my ping is lower then anyone else in the group. there are 5 people from the DTS clan and I keep getting kicked out even though there are only 5 out of 40 slots taken up. I could get in on a few attempts but only make it a few steps before being kicked. I'm not a hacker or anything of that BS nature. Seems like they are just booting because they want the server cleared for their clan, I'm not running the incorrect version or anything either. so thats the only reason i think i keep getting kicked.
