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Everything posted by allantodd@gmail.com

  1. allantodd@gmail.com

    DayZ Sahrani New gameplay - How to fail at raiding an island.

    Should rename your video "How to fail at aiming" all just spamming and not even attempting to judge or correct your shots.
  2. allantodd@gmail.com

    Editor Tutorial, How to make your own DayZ Cinematics/Machinimas.

    Awesome tutorials thanks for uploading, I have wanted to try out cinematics in the editor for a while but it can be a pain just deciding where to start from.
  3. allantodd@gmail.com

    [Video] Taviana - Landing with style

    A short video showing one of my team mates screwing up a Huey landing rather epicly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfK4-k5kRX8 Got some other projects on the go at the moment and a BSB network event this week that should have more hopefully interesting videos from that I will be uploading.
  4. allantodd@gmail.com

    [Video] Taviana - Landing with style

    The heli did explode again (well several times) killing us both which is nothing new to DayZ and has happened to me before, the kicker is that we were trying to land the chopper because the server was about to restart then we tried to grab our pilots gear quick when he died but we ended up losing everything which was rather funny.
  5. allantodd@gmail.com

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    BSB are still recruiting for our very active DayZ Campaign. Feel free to jump on our TeamSpeak server and chat with us whilst playing or head over to our website and check it out. My own small DayZ group are currently looking for 1 or 2 active members to join in our DayZ Taviana campaign. This group is very active and organised so not looking to just accept anyone but if you are interested you can find me on the BSB TeamSpeak server under Lickaholic or mention my name and the Taviana campaign on your application.
  6. allantodd@gmail.com

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Sorry that happened can rest assured you weren't intentionally ignored. Anyone that is interested in BSB or has any questions feel free to jump on our TS3 server and contact me, if it looks like I am in game with a group just use the poke feature and I will make time to come talk. We are always looking for active DayZ players to bolster the strength of our presence in DayZ especially coming into stand alone release, if you are interested in the idea of support in DayZ mod and stand alone click the link below or jump on our TS and chill out with us.
  7. Can't get into the server at all just get waiting for host for ages and nothing else happens.
  8. BSB members Geekz, Xedos, JD and myself have picked our choices.
  9. Normally when I send in GUID's for BSB members it is done fairly rapidly, has always been same day normally within hours of me sending them.
  10. He never named you as you say yourself so no-one called you a cheater and just because you saw things differently from him doesn't mean what he said isn't true, between lag and the other chaos of firefights it is easy to not hear shots or see shots hit when infact they never. Yes I know he said one was an enfield but i've killed players with the Fal 15m from my mates and they've missed me firing before it's easily done.
  11. allantodd@gmail.com

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    BSB are currently looking for some active EU members to come join us on the nice fresh EU DayZ Redux server when it is up and running, you can find details on the mod @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/96474-dayz-redux-dayz-purist-focused-custom-dayz-mod-formerly-dayz-diaf/ If you are interested in joining us feel free to check out our TS or website using the info below, looking forward to seeing some new members.
  12. allantodd@gmail.com

    Looking to Recruit 1 More

    Requirements are probably there so he has someone to watch his back when he needs it, it's a pain in the ass when you normally play in a small squad and then find yourself alone for a day or two in a row because no-one is online or cba playing. And none of his group are part of BSB for the record Devil, if however you are looking for active players to play the mod with feel free to check BSB out using the link in my sig. Soon we will have squads on both the US and EU servers.
  13. Venthos is pretty fast with his white list requests for normal even though he is busy so if you still can't get on there is the chance that he either missed your request or you got your GUID wrong my mistake. I would double check and then PM a friendly reminder. Strange one Lars have seen you on the server quite a bit and not noticed anything weird about you but maybe Venthos picked something up in the logs, I would PM him directly asking if he could offer an explanation, it could simply have been an error or mistaken identity, I know from experience that it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint to correct culprit 100% and have had to undo bans.
  14. That is dependant on the Fireteam you encounter rather than BSB itself, I know my Fireteam will leave an unarmed person unless they are either, getting close to our camp, a vehicle we have stashed close by or we are raiding a town and they could get easy access to a weapon and become a problem for us. There are others though that will shoot anything on sight but that's the way the game goes. If your really that worried about us jump over to www.bsbnetwork.com and fill out an application form and come join us. That is good news, I will PM you a list of characters looking to get transferred shortly Venthos, looking forward to playing your mod on low ping, keep up the good work.
  15. Removing AR's isn't going to make people suddenly work together instead of shooting each other, just means you'll be fighting with shotguns and lee enfields most of the time against groups that have managed to farm decent military weapons. LMG's, Sniper and powerful assault rifles are already limited to the very rare helicopter crashes, scoped AR's are limited to 2 buildings and basic AR's are limited to high traffic areas on the map as it is, making the weapon spawns any stricter that they are atm is only going to increase the gap between the lonewolf/small groups and the clans on the map that and the increase in zombies and more aggressive behaviour means you'll soon be sick of respawning and losing your gear and vehicles all the time. I like where the mod has landed so far but I think weapon spawns have been tightened as much as was needed, ammo is also in a pretty good place I would say. BSB has been in many firefights since joining Redux and we're always looking for ammo, we've even had to avoid confrontation a couple of times because we didn't have ammo to spare on squad vs squad battle over some minor resources. There have been a lot of good suggestions in this forum like changing tent skins, adding camo nets, changing vehicle repair/health and the quantity of parts and fuel. I like the idea of fuel being a limited resource but I think it is going to be a hard thing to try and balance, it will be interesting to see how your changes turn out. I'll try and catch you on Skype at some point Venthos and discuss the EU server with you, looking forward to getting back on your mod.
  16. Venthos, when the EU server comes up (crossing fingers for some time tonight) is it going to possible to have characters migrated from the US server to the EU one? and are they going to be on separate databases? hoping yes to both especially last one to stop ghosting/server hopping for loot etc. If it is possible for you to migrate characters from US to EU I will give you a list of BSB that will be looking to swap over.
  17. There isn't a place a person won't find it.
  18. Would be nice if Vilayer allowed custom mods to be installed on their servers because they run sweet, got a 40 slot Chernarus one that I would happily donate if was able to. Will hopefully be on soon and see how the server is running with some of the guys and give you some feedback.
  19. allantodd@gmail.com

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Still getting a good amount of new players joining our community every day, if you feel like joining and making some new friends head over to our website and fill out an application or jump on our TS server and jump in the LFG channel, all required information can be found in my sig. We have recently started playing on a extremely well made DayZ Chernarus private hive run by Venthos you can check it out here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/96474-dayz-redux-dayz-purist-focused-custom-dayz-mod-formerly-dayz-diaf/ it is well worth a mention and hopefully some of you will come join us. Looking forward to some fresh meat...sorry faces :)
  20. Crazyiness, we did encounter a moment like that a few days ago with the Huey, guy would appear in door gunner seat and start blasting people...was only there on one occasion then 4 of us split off to Cherno looking for vehicle parts while 4 stayed back to defend the chopper but they had to kill same guys half a dozen times atleast was insane. I was on TS after the church event and they dropped channel to come tell me the story which sounded pretty epic, they put up a good fight considering were cornered and out numbered plus the massive desync did help any side it seems.
  21. Well large amount of us were taking a break tonight due to the massive desync issue with the server atm, we were hoping to jump on a repair a chopper and a couple of vehicles and then kill some peepas for ammo :) Are the "shady" people you are referring to part of BSB or just randoms on the server? there is a no exploit policy in BSB so highly doubt you mean us and the vast majority of BSB I have played with even on my own server for a while now, if however evidence is found of a BSB member doing something they shouldn't I would appreciate you making contact so it could be investigated and dealt with. On topic, Venthos mod is awesome as said but desync is a giant nightmare atm but we understand you are busy and will get round to fixing the problem, on that note you may have got a message or maybe it's a post in here from Vanity/Vanzor regarding servers? He is a quality member of BSB and is willing to help you out with both US and EU servers if you are interested in coming to some sort of agreement with him. If you are interested drop a PM and we can get you both on our TS/swap email addresses or something and sort out the terms. 2 other minor things, 4 choppers although cool seems maybe excessive atm but maybe too early to call we'll get back to you on that and is it possible to put some sort of restriction on out of bounds area? I appreciate people like their shiny cars but I also like stealing them and hate running around the entire map to not find what am looking for when I stash all my stuff on map quite fairly. Anyways keep up the good work Venthos.
  22. Well that looks like a crazy firefight at NEAF, BSB lost the Huey on Sunday afternoon 15mins after I ran away from where I parked it flew over the top of me >_<. Didn't realise was so many choppers on the server guess I'll have to go out looking for them so we can haul all our asses around quickly again :D Recent changes are looking good, will be playing again tonight at some point and test them out.
  23. Haha that was you? woops :P, 1 door gunner went afk of all the people to do so, and the other could barely see you we did think he got you a few times though but nice driving :) We did get shot at later at Krasnostav suffered 1 casualty again the door gunner afk, serves him right if was awake he could have shot the guy standing in the field, did also have a crash landing as server suddenly went pitch black and we couldn't see a thing, was trying to land in what looked liked an empty field then chopper went nuts but managed to drop it to the ground quickly.
  24. That patch notes look pretty sweet Venthos, like the direction your taking DayZ this is the direction Rocket should have taken DayZ in the first place imo.
  25. Hey Venthos us BSB lads have had a good night on your server even recruited a couple of randoms from your server. We had some epic firefights oh Allie? that was me in the apartment building with my FN Fal and it was one of my 6 friends that shot you in the supermarket, just 10s before I got sprayed by an M4 through a window so didn't know if you were shouting friendly as a ruse or not, turns out we got the M4 guy 2mins after we killed you. After that we found the chopper at Balota, had some insane battles with a sketchy guy called Sanjeet (always got into the gunner seat past 4 people without being spotted O.o) and his buddy (can't rem his name but I nailed him twice that day) got the chopper fixed filled it up with people and went looting military bases was epic fun. Got a question regarding vehicles though, do you reset the vehicles on map ever?/often? noticed something you posted in an earlier post, on an unrelated note we saw a crazy amount of vehicles driving around today was never a quiet moment. Highlight of my night was chloroforming a friend at Stary tents when he went to loot Stanag mags...actually that reminds me of a bug we found, seems that after chloroforming him there was a "debug duplicate" of his body about 100m's away, only some of us could see it but when we shot the body his character died maybe something for you to look into? We only had the opportunity to test it out once but will do some more field tests ourselves.