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reggie1324 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by reggie1324 (DayZ)

  1. Ok so normally i can max the game out but i have started getting a problem where the game freezes in big towns / electro etc The fps is always over 30 but then for a second drops to 4-5 ish- with task manger open i can see the cpu go's down to about 30% then back up to 50+ Pc amd 955be 4 X 3.2ghz 2 gig ddr3 ram gtx 275 psu 780w windows 7 64bit any help guys would be great . I have tried loads of different settings and stuff, even reformatted and started again with no joy Thanks
  2. not that bothered ne ways, just keep me banned panda
  3. Well its a bit of a piss take, it took him 20mins to ban 2 real hackers yesterday and i do nothing and he tells me im teleporting insta ban, i bet 100% he wouldn't post the logs of me teleporting beacuse there wouldn't be any.
  4. Yep banned for no reason - i was afk most of the morning - if panda knew how to check loggs then maybe he could see i did nothing
  5. Im a hacker really , might want to look at the rest of your server mate , don't get butthurt coz i see you in that team-speak today
  6. in game name : bill Location : London uk guid: 3580203e516912145064e763b7f9d112
  7. Panda why am i off the whitelist please explain i have done nothing wrong
  8. Hi guys me and my clan are looking for a established private hive - there are 6 of us - we started dayz on day1 and want to play again away from hackers - we have owned servers in the past and are looking for a well run private hive that has a good player count and experienced players. We have joined a couple and there seems to be a load of new players on dayz which is good but not really a challenge, so if anyone no's of a good private hive with decent experienced players please let me know Thanks guys
  9. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Clan Looking for a established private hive, know of any?

    how many players on average on your sever ? we have been to many with low player counts and it gets really boring
  10. How many players play on the server on a average day - our clan is looking for a home
  11. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Player status

    Frankie is a beast - he don't hack
  12. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    The Walking Dead GB

    how many players play on this server on average - our clan are looking for a home, we are looking for a high player count hive with experienced players
  13. Great server, was playing yesterday ( name: bill ) - just wish i never chrashed the heil (lol) Join up if you want to play with a good group of players bump from me :)
  14. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Yet Another Private Hive - Build your own base!

    Bump for private hives
  15. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Yet Another Private Hive - Build your own base!

    signing up now :)
  16. Just think though they won't pay for the servers and it's a little price for them to pay for arma to make a epic profit. At the end of they day this game will turn into just a train to make money - sad but true
  17. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    bye bye hackers ... you will not be missed

    Last time i checked their job (what they get paid for) was to stop hackers, what so far you think they are doing a good job? If battleye is on arma 3 omg that will be a epic fail
  18. MY GOD The admin in this vid looks like more of a hacker than the guy stealing the ural. Dupeing backpacks , hacked guns , getting scared they will lose one truck You only get a script restitution if you are trying to hack , probably trying to teleport back to his camp obvious or what I
  19. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    bye bye hackers ... you will not be missed

    well i got instant killed twice yesterday so their not doing as good as you say they killed me in stary then 20 sec after i spawned on the beach :(
  20. Ok so normally i can max the game out but i have started getting a problem where the game freezes in big towns / electro etc The fps is always over 30 but then for a second drops to 4-5 ish- with task manger open i can see the cpu go's down to about 30% then back up to 50+ Pc amd 955be 4 X 3.2ghz 2 gig ddr3 ram gtx 275 psu 780w windows 7 64bit any help guys would be great . I have tried loads of different settings and stuff, even reformatted and started again with no joy Thanks
  21. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Wired 1sec freeze lag nvidia gtx 275 & amd 955be

    SOLVED Yes it was a ram issue after all the 4 gig i installed was faulty i just went out and bought 6 gig's brand new, threw it in and now its working fine again So thanks to everyone that helped and i hope this helps others
  22. Ok so normally i can max the game out but i have started getting a problem where the game freezes in big towns / electro etc The fps is always over 30 but then for a second drops to 4-5 ish- with task manger open i can see the cpu go's down to about 30% then back up to 50+ Pc amd 955be 4 X 3.2ghz (runs between 40 & 60% ) 2 gig ddr3 ram ( max ram used while playing dayz 1.8 gig ) gtx 275 psu 780w windows 7 64bit any help guys would be great . I have tried loads of different settings and stuff, even reformatted and started again with no joy I heard it may be ovrheating fo i put all fans on max and underclocked the cpu to 2.8 no joy Thanks
  23. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    i use dayz commander :(
  24. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Wired 1sec freeze lag nvidia gtx 275 & amd 955be

    not a ram issue just took another 4 gig from another pc so i had 6 gig in total - still lag spikes/ freeze