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reggie1324 (DayZ)

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About reggie1324 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Us2486 admin
  1. not that bothered ne ways, just keep me banned panda
  2. Well its a bit of a piss take, it took him 20mins to ban 2 real hackers yesterday and i do nothing and he tells me im teleporting insta ban, i bet 100% he wouldn't post the logs of me teleporting beacuse there wouldn't be any.
  3. Yep banned for no reason - i was afk most of the morning - if panda knew how to check loggs then maybe he could see i did nothing
  4. Im a hacker really , might want to look at the rest of your server mate , don't get butthurt coz i see you in that team-speak today
  5. in game name : bill Location : London uk guid: 3580203e516912145064e763b7f9d112
  6. Panda why am i off the whitelist please explain i have done nothing wrong
  7. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Clan Looking for a established private hive, know of any?

    how many players on average on your sever ? we have been to many with low player counts and it gets really boring
  8. How many players play on the server on a average day - our clan is looking for a home
  9. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Player status

    Frankie is a beast - he don't hack
  10. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    The Walking Dead GB

    how many players play on this server on average - our clan are looking for a home, we are looking for a high player count hive with experienced players
  11. Hi guys me and my clan are looking for a established private hive - there are 6 of us - we started dayz on day1 and want to play again away from hackers - we have owned servers in the past and are looking for a well run private hive that has a good player count and experienced players. We have joined a couple and there seems to be a load of new players on dayz which is good but not really a challenge, so if anyone no's of a good private hive with decent experienced players please let me know Thanks guys
  12. Great server, was playing yesterday ( name: bill ) - just wish i never chrashed the heil (lol) Join up if you want to play with a good group of players bump from me :)
  13. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Yet Another Private Hive - Build your own base!

    Bump for private hives
  14. reggie1324 (DayZ)

    Yet Another Private Hive - Build your own base!

    signing up now :)
  15. Just think though they won't pay for the servers and it's a little price for them to pay for arma to make a epic profit. At the end of they day this game will turn into just a train to make money - sad but true