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About foiz5000

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  1. Ya there's plenty of other things to do, but not a day goes by where a friend asks if I want to join them in DayZ. Sure I WANT to, but I can't... If you need something to record video and have an Nvidia card check out MSI afterburner. It captures really good quality video, don't know if it works on ATI cards though.
  2. I'd love it if someone would fix it so I can play already. I've sent every bit of information you;d need via forum and email several times now.
  3. I've updated to and still cannot join any servers. :(
  4. Just for kicks I removed everything Arma related Re-downloaded and reinstalled over night. Unfortunately nothing changed.
  5. I guess that's something I may have forgot to mention, I was asked to provide those as well via email. I emailed them the RPT and player ID, player name and never got a reply back to that particular email. Data corruption makes the most sense, I'm not sure why someone couldn't just have a look and see if that is the case. I would myself were it possible.
  6. I can only hope the update will somehow correct this when it comes out... if I find anything that works I will definitely be posting it here.
  7. foiz5000

    Known DaYz Cheater

    Wow pal, I get pissed and make my fair share of condescending comments, but you're just being an ass. Also, your spelling as well as your grammar skills are impeccable, keep it up broski.
  8. foiz5000

    Can't see servers

    I suppose your router or PCs firewall might be related to the issue. I would not suggest leaving either of them off for an extended period of time, but you could turn them off temporarily as a test to see if one of them is the issue and then forward ports accordingly. If the only software firewall on your PC is Windows firewall than it's unlikely to be the issue, but a software firewall such as what come with Kaspersky and other internet security suites could potentially block Arma. Changing firewall settings on routers varies quite a bit, search the model if you don't know how.
  9. I have what sounds to be the exact same issue, I've carefully documented the problem and any bugs I've noticed in my thread here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3846 Perhaps we could merge this into my thread, seeing as how it is not a isolated issue like I thought. I've yet to find a solution and it's been a week now.
  10. Ok, so now I've tried reinstalling AO and BattleEye and it has not really changed anything. I still spawn in debug forest if I wait a very long time. Apparently I am able to move as soon as I spawn there now, without hitting esc>respawn, besides that no significant changes. Here are some pics of spawning there, for what they're worth. These few in particular are interesting as it appears there was a locked version of myself (minus the custom face) with the exact same inventory as I had which I shot and killed. I expected it to kill me but it didn't. Although I grabbed some of the shotty ammo and put it in my inventory out of habit. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540675904109773576/39FB66525578B3889CA8A2D80DFF240D2AEBD42A/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540675904109752180/78602ADBE21D9B9A24E3E791959B6855E748028C/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540675904109766348/725F8222A936698184F17F7B3B843912DD0B0C68/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540675904109737295/FD7B923A074648EDF964DDC0F9386BC0FF2B6316/ These ones are of a different survivor corpse I shot while in the debug forest, because well.. I really can't do anything else. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540675904109745809/062F87DA79EA9A57A4DEA1D361384BAB26345B10/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540675904109758962/24F552AE4E86A9C3F1D4536A127D087D8BB2DDD1/ I really wish a dev or even moderator would look into this. There is a serious issue with my character data, and I can't even get acknowledgement of the fact that it is an issue. I'm trying to be patient, but being ignored really sucks. I think I've documented the issue clearly enough to show it's going to take more than just "trying to rejoin". If I could fix the problem myself I would, but I can't.
  11. I will try method 1 once steam redownloads AO (it was the only other thing I could think to try). Although other games on other dedicated servers such as ones running Domination have not given me a single issue related to battleeye. Hopefully that will be a fix, I really hope... Not to diss your other suggestions, but 2 is more of a non-method than anything. Waiting too long won't reduce the chances of joining a particular server. It will either work or it wont, the extra time is irrelevant. As for 3, if you've read this post at all, you would see I have. I've tried damn near all of them. No less than 15 servers each day, upwards of 30 some of those days. Setting it to join one, walking away to do things and coming back a half hour or so later to either no change or debug forest.