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About spamjabber

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Viva la Resistance
  1. spamjabber

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Going to try this: -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047 -cpuCount=2 With my G3220 3Ghz Dual and 7850 2GB, dont get bad frames as it is, but doesn't hurt to try more. If only all the servers weren't in darkness lol Thanks
  2. Ah not to worry, if it is a valid option it may be considered at some point!
  3. spamjabber

    Quicker Night&Day rotation?

    Just go on a server which is currently in daylight simples!
  4. spamjabber


    I have no idea what you just said op..
  5. spamjabber

    Suggestion: Hard-coded Factions

    You cant look at dayz the same way you look at arma, there isn't OPFOR, BLUFOR and Independant. I think factions would simply take away from the whole concept of dayz.
  6. spamjabber

    Parkour/Free Running

    I don't think every player should be able to scale a wall efficently and jump over stuff that they really shouldn't be able too. The arma 2 engine does make the player models somewhat rigid when it comes to movement. Think something could work here
  7. spamjabber

    What should our next competition be?

    Machinima are always great to watch and make for interesting comps
  8. Yeah I hope so too buddy!
  9. spamjabber

    I want beer

    r/microgrowery dayz style
  10. spamjabber

    Being able to access only your own Tent(s)

    Dayz tents are boss. The fear of being raided needs to stay, you are never safe..
  11. spamjabber


    Ah i get ya now then. Like the idea of a new island, IMO DayZ would flourish on the biggest map imaginable. However that does mean everyone has to download it etc.. Standalone anyone? :) But yeah that sounds cool, I like the idea of boats too, would add another method of exploring in a relatively safe way
  12. spamjabber

    My ideeas

    Like the idea of a story behind it, but at the same time, you can create your own version of events that took place. Think I prefer the freedom to be in my own version of the anarchy that is DayZ. Nice idea though, many will like it for sure.
  13. spamjabber


    I have no clue what you mean Oo
  14. Thanks, yeah I genuinely think it will be feature at some point, as it is a realistic option in an apocalyptic type scenario, many voices will want to be heard! When I eventually have a PC to run Arma2 again I hope it is there! EDIT:Awesome tumblr btw! The screenshots you have taken look great, must have a nice rig!