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wtf im nameless

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About wtf im nameless

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  1. wtf im nameless

    Do you still have artifacts?

    I have an nVidia card, I tried diabling Threaded optimization like some have suggested and I feel like it's helped but it's still happening. Before I disabled that I would get it often, usually couldn't play for more than 15-30 minutes without it happening, now that I've disabled it I played 2 hours and only got it once but it was clearly being caused by an object in a city. I tried to get closer to it to see what it was but it got so bad I couldn't see at all, with zombies chasing me I had to turn around.
  2. wtf im nameless

    This game is garbage at its current state.

    No, I'm not new to the internet community and my skin is far from rice-paper-thin... I finished puberty and have no need to run around replying to every thread with a useless comment or photo. If you were the exception around here that would be one thing, but it appears the DayZ forums are 80% people like you which makes it hard to actually use them for something useful, like learning about the game or reporting bugs. The only threads that get traction on this forum are ones where everyone makes fun of the OP with one liners and photos.
  3. wtf im nameless

    US 1344 Admins cheat

    Ah this community is so great. "Admins are blatantly cheating on X server" The only replies are about him being an admin of another server... I've never seen such a poorly moderated forum in my life, why oh why does it have to be of a game I actually like.
  4. wtf im nameless

    This game is garbage at its current state.

    Case in point, check out the above posters recent replies: http://dayzmod.com/f...serMode=content
  5. wtf im nameless

    This game is garbage at its current state.

    Well this game definitely takes the cake for having the worst community with players that think they are uber elite. Have a problem with the game? pick a /random reply. 1) It's still in Alpha. 2) GTFO. 3) You won't be missed. Tired of losing all your equipment to a bug? /random 1) It's still in Alpha. 2) GTFO. 3) You won't be missed. Complain about realism? It's not a game, it's a simulator.... Go play CoD or Battlefield. The people here want true simulation, you know, where you can break your leg by lying down on a pebble and morphine mends broken bones in a matter of minutes. Obviously the creators of this game had a great idea and I can't wait until someone with more experience does a proper version of it. Yes yes, I know, I won't be missed, it's an alpha, people like me should be playing a simple FPS type of game. Likewise, the jackasses on this community that think they're so badass won't be missed by me either. That being said I know everyone here isn't like that, but IMO it's a solid 75-80% of the users on the forums. All you have to do is look at how many asshat one word or one line comments there are, even in this thread, then you look at those users last few posts and realize all they do is act like pre-pubescent children in every thread. /rant
  6. wtf im nameless

    Loading screen of doom

    That sucks, you have to be careful about that but there's nothing you can do... The same thing just happened to me 3 or 4 times on the server I always play on, when it actually let me log back in it started me at the spawn area with zero gear, the message said I died but I still had my camo on and it showed I've been alive for a few days. So lame...
  7. wtf im nameless

    Error receiving messages

    It has recently started happening to me on certain servers only. Usually it happens not long after I log in for the first time, after it happens once or twice it doesn't happen any more.
  8. wtf im nameless

    Proposed solution for respawning

    Respawn should have an "Are you sure?" that you have to accept before it kills you and you're respawned.
  9. wtf im nameless

    Proposed solution for respawning

    All this action on the forums and I don't even get a reply? >:(
  10. wtf im nameless

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    If someone who's calling other people "dumbasfuck" was running around saying the sky is green would you take the time to dig up facts on how the sky is really blue? Once they teach him ratios in math class he can look me up and I'll explain it in more detail. In the meantime I would suggest nobody takes Audio/Video/Computer advice from him.
  11. wtf im nameless

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    People on the internet never cease to amaze me. LOL
  12. I believe I understand the intent of removing the respawn button, but in my opinion the game is still far too buggy to have it totally disabled. My proposed solution? Respawn can only be used once every X number of hours, but the player can use it when ever they like. Start with 4-6 hours and as the game becomes more stable increase the number of hours to a maximum of 24. This will do three things: 1) If you're glitched out or stuck you can respawn 2) Prevent respawn spamming to get a good spawn location 3) Enhance the perma-death experience Edit: Also respawn should have an "Are you sure?" that you have to accept before it kills you and you're respawned. Thoughts?
  13. wtf im nameless

    "dead" and cant respawn

    I love how the elitists here defend the removal of the respawn button, clearly it shouldn't have been removed in a buggy beta version of the game for obvious reasons like this.
  14. wtf im nameless

    Microphone does not work during gameplay

    Still can't figure it out, bump.
  15. wtf im nameless

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Very disappointed in this change. Since getting this game last week I've: -I've fallen to my death by getting sucked through a railing on a tower -Randomly died from going prone -Broken my leg from opening a door -Shot by other players because I can't see anything other than flashing triangles -Get respawned to a totally different place than my hiding spot when I log back in, usually stuck half way though an object and cannot move -Spawned in the basement of a house and was unable to get out or attacked by zombies -Spend 5 minutes stuck in a loading screen every time I get a graphical bug and have to relog What happens if I get stuck and can't move again? Or if I die from a bug and get respawned an hour away from my friends, I'm expected to run back now? This change may be fine when the game is in final beta and stable, right now this is ridiculous. There are far more important things to worry about fixing in this game before thinking the respawn button needs to be removed.