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23 NeutralAbout Mr_Clean187
Helicopter Hunter
This should take between 10-30 seconds (random amount of time between those limits) to simulate the toxin flowing through bloodstream to brain. Higher up the body/closer to heart the faster it takes effect. Think MGS2 tranquilizer gun. Lasts 2-3 minutes (for balance purposes). Hazing of vision/shakes/quickly dropping heartbeat for symptoms, allows the victim to quickly call out what is happening to him/her.
Returning player, looking for a good private hive.
Mr_Clean187 replied to Mr_Clean187's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Nevermind, I've found it. but also discovered that it is placed in Norway. Well. Being in Eastern Canada, that's kind of far for me. -
Returning player, looking for a good private hive.
Mr_Clean187 posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
HEY PEEPS. So. I haven't played in awhile. Just lost interest, busy with school/life/yadayada. Anyway. I'm looking to make a return because I was watching some youtube stuff and I was like "MAN I MISS DAYZ!" So yeah. Things I am looking for: -I'm looking for a private hive server that is well maintained and isn't swimming with hackers. -A good population is ideal, because as fun as it is to amass huge quantities of loot it isn't so fun never getting to use it! -Friendlies AND Bandits because it's super fun to make a group of people to just jam around with. -I don't really care what map it is/mod it is, just because it doesn't matter to me and I'm willing to try the new stuff (I've only really played on Chernarus) -I'm fine without a whitelist. -I have no problems with starting with/without loot or whatever. -As I am based in Eastern Canada, a server that is closer to that would be preferred. Holla? Prease. :). -
Best gun for player hunting
Mr_Clean187 replied to Mr Yoloswag's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Agreed. I will flaunt an Enfield for as long as possible. Only switching for something along the lines of a sniper rifle, M4 with optics, or an M14. ENFIELD ERRYDAY -
How do you fight players in CQC?
Mr_Clean187 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Isn't this whole exchanging of tactics over a 3rd party medium (forums) also metagaming, and therefore also cheating as it isn't part of the game? LAWYERED EDIT: Sorry for getting off topic. On Topic: In order to deal with CQC I usually sit behind cover and take a few potshots while retreating. Stepping into bushes and shrubbery if I'm out in forested areas. Otherwise, if I'm inside buildings or urbanized I will dodge/weave the hell out of there. I don't usually sit around and fight the guy if I can avoid it. I'd rather peace out, and sneak in behind him again later on, and shoot him in the back. -
How do you fight players in CQC?
Mr_Clean187 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Defending myself? Where did I say I was defending myself? Cheating according to you. Normalcy is relative, bro(ny). -
How do you fight players in CQC?
Mr_Clean187 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Second only to your idea of banning all 3rd party programs because it is cheating. -
How do you fight players in CQC?
Mr_Clean187 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
And this probably makes you the biggest douchebag. -
How do you fight players in CQC?
Mr_Clean187 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So... every time someone says anything to you, they must clearly declare that they are making a joke, otherwise you assume they are trying to offend you? It seems like every thread that I read of yours, you are constantly disagreeing with the way other people play, and continuing to place yourself on this very high pedestal above other players. I get that you take this game SUPER SERIOUS MLG STYLE, but bro. Not everybody in this game lives and dies by the same code you play by. I refer you to the first minute of this video. You, are the red character. The rest of the community is the blue character. -
No matter where I spawn, I try and make it to Elektro. Mainly because Cherno still gives me insane FPS problems, and I cannot determine why. On my way to Elektro, if I am coming from the west, I will stop by Balota or hit every near by Farm loot spawn on my way. Usually I will pick up at least a hatchet and a Winchester/Enfield which is really all I need. Then I will hit the fire houses in Elektro, in the hopes of finding either a sniper rifle, or a weapon with some kind of optics. If I find none of those, I will stick with my Enfield that I must have found by now. I will run through the supermarket, as well as the school/office building, and small houses and church to acquire a bigger pack, tools and some food/drink. From here I will go to the hospital to pick up one bloodbag and a few morphine/painkillers/bandages. At this point, I will probably sit outside of Elektro and watch. Because that's how I like to play the game. I like to watch. If I deem the city safe enough, I will run in periodically to loot cycle the fire houses, and return to my vantage points until I see some prey worth stalking, or some bambies in need of aid.
3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game
Mr_Clean187 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Screw third party programs. If my brother and I are playing DayZ together in the same room, and are just using REAL-LIFE direct communications to talk, is that still cheating? This thread is basically lol. -
Will Snipers Be Removed Or At Least Tweaked In S.A?
Mr_Clean187 replied to Pokerguy12's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The point he is making is that the purpose of AM rifles is to disable vehicles. He is stating that the AM rifles are supposed to be used as a counter to vehicles, as that is the purpose of an AM rifle if I am not mistaken, to destroy materiel. -
I will have to say that my best scenario came recently, within the last few days. I will start the story from the beginning, so that you guys have all context. So. I play a "vigilante" character, and I frequently sit outside of Elektro and just watch people in the city. I don't usually engage anybody, I'm pretty contempt to just watch. It is frequent that I see people skirmish, and if the initiator survives I will finish them. Because of this I actually have a bandit skin. Anyway. I was sitting outside elektro, on the west hillside of Dobry, with my CZ and Enfield watching the city. It was EXTREMELY foggy this day. I was watching the city when I see somebody spawn on top of the hospital. it is a player, with what looks like a double barrel, or winchester. I look away from him, thinking nothing of it, then look back to see what looks like a zombie crawling up the ladder. I didn't range properly and I missed a few shots, and I open fire, hitting the zombie. A few moments later, someone calls out over side-chat saying that they are being shot at in Elektro. I guess it wasn't a zombie. I tell him I am coming to help him, I shot him as a mistake and I am coming to heal him. He is a bambi, so I feel awful for shooting him and nearly killing him. After I reach him, I blood bag him and we discuss how he is new to the game and we are going to go loot the rest of Elektro. Thirty seconds later, I hear a Makarov and Enfield being shot in the city. Yelling over direct chat, I tell the guy that I am friendly and my new bambi friend and I will help him clear the zombies if he helps us. He complies, and we spend the next minute or so clearing zombies from each other's buildings as he runs into the top of the school house. Once we clear a few zombies away, he drops dead. Panic ensues, I tell my bambi friend to lay down on the hospital roof, and to wait there. As soon as I climb down the ladder, I begin to hear M4 rounds popping off in the city. I hoof it over dobry hill, on the far side, and run back to my sniper post. No shots were fired at me, but definitely shots were being fired. My bambi friend is saying over side chat that he is being shot at, so I tell him to lay low and kill anybody who comes up the ladder. I lay low, taking a few moments to range properly. Within seconds I see two survivors coming through the city, out of the supermarket and moving towards the powerstation firehouse. They stop there to loot, and I take aim. I fire at one of the bandits, but miss as he lag spikes and move back down the ladder. Immediately I stand up, equip my Enfield and backtrack north along Dobry hill, and immediately cut West across the road and over the opening onto the opposite hill. I reposition myself, 500m away from the Firehouse and watch and wait. Moments after settling into my new position, I hear one M14 or DMR shot ring out from the Dobry hill, that was close. I lay low. A few minutes pass as discussions go off in side chat about how these two people in the firehouse were shooting at others in Elektro. I've made up my mind, I'm going to take them out, or die trying. They make a break for it, I'm not the best shot at targets moving up and down terrain while sprinting. I line up a few shots, and miss. To my surprise, the two guys meet up with a third guy who comes down the hill, this 3rd character is carrying a long rifle. Looks like an M14 from my distance. I would love to have that gun, and if he is friends with these two aggressors, they are worth the hunt. They continue running North, along the road. I give chase through my treeline and wait until they stop. Silly them. They stop. I do not have range finders, and I can tell they are close to 300 meters away. I don't want to risk aiming for a headshot and missing, and I elect to make body shots instead. I pop one guy in the chest, and they all start running. I connect with that shot, and he is bleeding profusely as he runs into the bushes. I fire again, hitting that 3rd person in the legs and he goes down behind a bush but I can't see him well. The other two are gone now, into more foliage where I can't get a clear shot. I glance back at the guy who has now broken legs. He is sitting up, out of cover, on the hill, bandaging. POP. One down. One shot left for my CZ. I see the second guy laying down prone, again, likely 300m away from me. I take my shot, miss. The round lands what looks like a foot or two infront of his face as he immediately stands up and runs back into the small bushel of shrubs. I switch to my enfield. I move up my hill a little, and flank around behind them. I have clear shots at them now, as they have their backs exposed to me and are still looking at where I was, not where I will be. POP. POP. Bandit 2 goes down. Bandit 1 still alive, I circle back again, he is laying prone in a bush looking in my direction. I level my Enfield. POP. Bandit 1 down. I go for the loot. AK 74 Kobra. M4A1 CCO. M14 AIM, NVG. I ditch the M4A1 and the AK 74 Kobra. I take the NVG and the M14 AIM for my own, I hid the rest of their bodies. The guy with M14 claims I was hacking, because he tracked me through the forest and I must have teleported away. I single handedly killed three people, on my own, without them ever knowing where I truly was, and them never opening fire on me. I actually felt like a ghost, I didn't even have a ghillie suit I am not sure how they didn't see me one time, and never even opened fire on me. The fact that they were shooting at the bambis in Elektro was enough of a reason to take them out so they couldn't come back and do it again.
YEAH THIS GUY! I've seen M.T. Jason too! He was on US 4526 the other day. Tried to drop a burning helicopter on me, but it didn't kill me with it. So he teleported away, and shot my friend. :(. He was also doing similar stuff on that server, spawning crates and weapons and vehicles for people. :(. Boo.