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About jmido8

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. If the world ended suddenly and resources were scarse, society would turn into kill or be killed. It makes sense and it happens in any apocalyptic fiction you read. KoS, deception, and paranoia is to be expected. A majority of the groups you run into would be protective of their own/low on supplies as it is and do what needed to be done to survive. KoS is just a part of an apocalyptic scenario. The only time you don't see KoS become as prevalent in apocalyptic fiction is when there's a large enough threat that requires the man power to handle it. At the current time, Dayz is pretty much built to support KoS. If you don't want KoS, then the threat (zombies) need to really be intensified. Imagine if small cities were so populated with zombies that you needed a small group to survive and big cities like elektro were infested to the point that you needed a raid group to explore. At that point, you'd be considered a rare commodity on these 40-50 man servers and killing you on sight would mean they might not have the man power to explore higher target places. You'd still have rogue factions and gangs but a large enough npc threat would really promote teamplay over kos. Just some food for thought from a fan of apocalyptic fiction.
  2. jmido8

    Sniper Rifles

    Well that ruins a lot of the fun... I loved the rush of running through cities with the feeling there could be a sniper prone somewhere in the hills waiting for a clear shot on me. Some of my most memorable moments in the game was running through a city or field and hearing a sniper take a shot at me only to find myself crawling through brush or zig zagging across a field calling for friends to try and spot the sniper.
  3. I haven't played for a year and just started up again today but I'm finding food like crazy. Every house I go to, whether it's some random house in the country or in a city has like 2-3 cans of food and a couple sodas. I liked it before when you were new and barely not starving to death and dying of thirst until you got yourself a canteen and some tools to hunt and what not. Is surviving now just way easier in general interms of the surival items you need being easier to get or did I just happen to get lucky finding so much food/drinks that fast?
  4. How's it not a point? Hacking is an obvious con for the PC mod and the security consoles provide is an obvious pro. At least my point is based on some amount of factual information whereas most everything else in this thread is based on pure speculation. The OP only points out cases where consolized games has been negative for the PC version. Check out L4D1&2, both of them are wildly more successful and supported on the PC. Console games don't ruin PC games, the developers and their decisions do.
  5. Yup, game is pretty much unplayable. Only thing you can really do is play on ghost town servers during the middle of the night or team deathmatch in electro.
  6. At least the console version would be playable. Almost every one of my friends and myself have quit after repeatedly getting hacked on every server we joined.
  7. I got hacked today, teleported way up in the sky and was falling to my death. Anyway, when I hit escape, the abort button was greyed out. I had to alt tab and force close the game. I'm not sure where I'll be when I log back in but hopefully not falling from the sky still or dead.
  8. jmido8


    I never find anyone at the NWAF on full servers. People are too scared with that many players. Low populated servers on the other hand.... that's the only reason people join them lol. If you want some target practice, join a server with <10 players and watch everyone of them try to PVE the NWAF.
  9. Spawn rate is defiantly not that low at crashed helis despite what anything says. The high end gear is really frequent at crashed heli sites.
  10. You know that one guy that tries to jump into a joke and kills it? Yeah.
  11. jmido8

    Are you freakin' KIDDING me?!

    Being a PVE hero in dayz is pointless. What do you expect to do after you have your loot? Go raid a barn of zombies...... If it wasn't for enemy players/glitches, I would never die. The PVE in this game is laughably easy. Even if you don't agree with KoS, there are a few places that are well known for being KoS pvp zones; aka anywhere with military stuff and it's your own fault if you don't proceed with caution.
  12. jmido8

    Are you freakin' KIDDING me?!

    If you want to avoid people at the NWAF, join a high population server.... lol. People are scared shittless to show their faces there. My friends and I have joined high 40+ man servers before at the airfields looking for pvp and no one shows up ever. The only people you get at the airfields on high population servers are the new players who venture there for the first time and don't know better. Everyone else strictly joins the <10 man servers so they can get the good loot without the risk.
  13. jmido8

    Are you freakin' KIDDING me?!

    You were at those same military places in a 2 man server. You're criticizing a guy who was doing the same thing you were..... Trying to PVE in the PVP zones.
  14. jmido8

    ATVs and Pobeda Dam

    I found an ATV today and my friends flipped it while driving over a bridge :| We managed to flip it back by running into it with a bike about a million times lol. But you're right, it needs a damn flip button!
  15. jmido8

    Join the same server as my friend

    If one of you finds a working server, you can find their server IP using: http://arma2.swec.se/server/list Once you have the IP, launch Dayz via pressing Launch on the six launcher (no server selected), select multiplayer once the the game comes up, then paste the IP address into the remote option and you should be able to find their server.