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About toterkenny85

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Hamburg, Germany
  1. No jokes about tumors...
  2. toterkenny85

    The FNG Thread

    My first day was great. I knew as good as nothing about the game or it's mechanics. The first 15 minutes on my very first spawn... well... I was yelling the sh** out of me, because I spawned near the harbor of Cherno and had Zeds on sight in almost every direction. So i tried to escape the city by following the street. Bad idea, you think? Not this time :D I ran about two or three minutes, when I saw four other, geared up, survivors heading to Cherno. My first thought: "Great, I'm dead in 2 seconds." But they talked to me and said: "Follow us and you will live longer." So I did. I told them, that this is my first spawn and I have absoluteley no idea of what's going on here. Then they decided to go deeper in the woods, to give me some instructions. Just the basics, to learn how to use the interface and some other things. They didn't had any weapons for me, so the mission was: get some stuff for me. We walked about 15 minutes inland until we saw some houses and they called me to prone. It worked well and no Zombie noticed us until I had the fuc**** great idea to look in my inventory. I didn't knew, that my char would stand up for this. So, like not often in my life ;) , I had immediateley full attention from everyone and my headphone speaker almost exploded. First shots were fired and I got the order to run for my life. After some meters one Zombie got me and my leg was broken. One of the others gave me medical assistance and I was up again. Two of them died in the meantime and I was so in panic, that some Zombies killed me finally. In the end, everyone was dead. But it was a great experience and I think there was no better way to learn faster how the game works, than this. I didn't know there names, but I'm thankful anyway. This happened, when the hype about DayZ got really started, so 2,5 months ago, I think.