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Everything posted by Yshido

  1. Fixes vehicle inventories for me, except for the helicopter (location and gear). Tents still dont save!
  2. Yshido

    Server approval taking a while

    get more manpower ;D
  3. I have to agree! Having @ hive 0.7.3 any longer will make the game die as fast as it raised.
  4. Yshido

    Shit DayZ players say (contribute!)

    "The rules do not allow you to kick / ban me!"
  5. Right now a private hive is the way to go.
  6. This topic is about a necessary review of the DayZ server rules. Here are the original rules: I will go through the list step by step and will give reasons for necessary changes: 1) IT MAY NEVER BE PASSWORDED This one should really be reviewed for the following reasons: - Lag spikes whilst players are connecting (at least in Europe). Player are encountering massive desync every time another player is joining. - Hackers, Skammers, Cheaters. Even you have the newest BE version installed, you will encounter problems with these guys. Actually there is no way to prevent these people to join a server, an ruining the fun for all those who are playing fair and investing shit loads of time. 2) NO OTHER KEYS OR MODS. NONE. PERIOD. Agreed. 3) NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES This one MUST be reviewed, cause it is not accordable to civil law. Actually you, the DayZ team, prohibit the server owners to actually use the service they are paying for. This is not legal (at least not in Germany) 3) NO LOCKING THE SERVER This one should be reviewed out of the same reasonst given in 1) 4) NO EDITING DAYZ/MISSION FILES Agreed. 5) IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF DAYZ Agreed. 6) BATTLEYE MUST BE ENABLED Totally Agreed. 7) Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries) Well.... but agreed. 8) Baning Must be reviewed out of the reason given in 1) and 3). As the server owner pays for the service he is the one who decides who is allowed to play on his server. 9) Kicking same as 8) Summary: The intention behind the rules is good, but they cut off the rights of the server owner far too hard. I hope we can bring up a calm discussion here, without any flaming.
  7. True story. Just remove the crap and take care of the ambience later on.
  8. Made a post there about 7 days ago.... it is still not active....
  9. OMFG.... did anyone watched the status of the server? It is in "Briefing" mode, wich means the server was just restarted! Sorry to say that but this is just BS and you are all morons.....
  10. Yshido

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    Agreed. But some ppl just want to bring attention to themselves, cause they are real loosers in RL.
  11. Oh yeah. Another feckless server host supporting hackers and cheaters. It is all about cash eh?
  12. Well... ask them to refund you the server bill.....
  13. Thats what we are allready doing.....
  14. Yshido

    To all server admins

    Yes, but only if every server admin can decide on his own to use this list. This way you can make all the script kiddies fear to get their GUID on the list.
  15. Yshido

    To all server admins

    Get rid of all rules and a chance for the community to develop server rules on their own. The devs and the whole DayZ team should focus on getting all hands on the bugs right now instead of enforcing these silly server rules. At the end it is the server admin who is paying the bill for the server and not the devs. Give them the power they want to have. You allready have a forum for reporting servers. Let people use this forum to their needs. If they are the opinion a server admin abuses his power, they can open up a post and force the admin to explain himself. If he doesnt do so, you will see the server will not be used by players anymore. If a server gets locked... so what. Let them lock the server, it can be for testing purposes or whatever. I.e. I locked our server multiple times today to test out some stuff. You know, it is hard to test when people are shooting at you.
  16. Yshido

    To all server admins

    I still dont get the idea behind the rules. Right now you are supporting hackers, glitchers, abuser, craptalker, trolls and all kinds of people who are actually anoying all other players, by cutting of the admins power. For example with the last patch the log file was reduced to a minimum of information. While it was possible to check the .rpt logs for hackers, hacked items, radar users (by checking their waypoints) you can do nothing about it now. Actually a server admin is not able to proof someone is hacking anymore. To be honest: is this your intention? If yes, this mod is going to die as fast as it raised out of nowhere. Some people allready stated, that server where the admin abuses will die and I know he is absolutly right. At some point no player will join such a server anymore. In my opinion you have to get rid of the rules. Let the community build their own rules and you will see everything is going to be solved on its own.
  17. Yshido

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    :D Hey, STFU ... you are just paying money for this and the DayZ rules say you are not allowed to moan! :D Just ask the hosting company for a refund. If they deny just, either sue them or get your cash back when you use paypal or credit card. Make them bleed!
  18. In all fairness: Without an imprint on the website this company is not trustable. Just my too cents.
  19. VILAYER? It is easier to just burn your money!
  20. Yshido

    To all server admins

    Totally agreed.
  21. Yshido

    To all server admins

    I hope you are wrong. If the server is getting blacklisted, cause it is offline, the devs are getting in real trouble and they will have to pay his server bill at the end. And just in case you are right, I guess it is time to get the devs back on the ground, by suing them. The ingnorance of the dev team is really incredible. Thats my opinion as lawyer ... not as a player or fanboy. Btw: I just took my server offline, cause it is useless (tents not saving and graphical glitches are making the game unplayable)
  22. I can confirm this too. I sent a detailed bug report. We tested a rollback on our server to hive 0.7.2 beta 95417 .... it failed. I wonder if we are getting a refund by the devs cause we are actually paying for useless servers right now. The graphical issues and the not saving inventories are making the game unplayable.
  23. Why moving this to the off topic section of the forums? Actually it is NOT off topic. But thank you you are telling us, the thread was move per instruction. At least it was not your intention to move it. I have no clue, if you are getting payed for the job as moderator (usually this is not the case), but you should really think about continuing your work if you are forced to do something against your persuasion. Anyway, the instruction to move this thread, shows exactly the intention of the dev team: You have to pay for your server, so we can test our software and you have no rights at all. Really funny for a so called "non proftit / free to play game". While Mr. Hall is now project leader within Bohemia Interactive I doubt this game is going to stay free to play.... Anyway, I really wonder who is actually hosting the hive. Is it a company or is it Mr. Hall in private? Who is it, cause I have to know who I have a "contract" with, wich does not allow what I am actually want to do with my servers.
  24. I fully agree with the threadstarter! Our clan was hosting 4 hive servers and we decided to shut them off, due to the rediculous rules made by the devs. 2 are down already the next two will be shut down next week. Afterwards I can proudly tell everyone: "I am not an instrument of the dev team anymore! I am a real alpha tester!" Pro Hive well ..... hmmm ..... oh yeah ...... you can troll shitloads of ppl. Pro Non-Hive no server hopping possible (serverhopping was stated as a bad thing by the dev team) hacking attemps can be reversed (hacking was stated as a bad thing by the dev team) no position exploiting possible by logging into another server change your position and log back. more will come up here