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Everything posted by Yshido

  1. Yshido

    Rollback or stay

    Funny to see the forum team is advertising a non official hive.
  2. Yshido

    Private servers

    Rocket does not allow you to live your life any further. Please kill yourself. ARE U KIDDING ME?!
  3. There is a fix for over 3 weeks out there allready (at least for the vehicles). What takes so long to make it official?
  4. I really have to get rid of my rented server to get myself a dedicated...
  5. Yshido

    Admins can´t read ?

    Get your own server, pay for it and do better, instead of moaning.
  6. The remoteexec filter is actually installed. So i have no fucking clue how this was possible.
  7. Yshido

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    Thanks for the offer mate! The last hackattack was horrible. All vehicles where delted. 4 of ours and the rest some frequent players on our server. I wonder if the dayz staff will restore the db but I doubt it.
  8. Yshido

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    Banhammer: The following users got banned for hacking: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d PROOF: 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #21 " select 2; _pos=getpos _v; _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; _smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],"destructionEffect1"" 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #45 "irt; _v setvelocity [0,0,-0.1]; if (local _v) then { _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 25.08.2012 19:46:41: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:41: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #21 " select 2; _pos=getpos _v; _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; _smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],"destructionEffect1"" 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #45 "irt; _v setvelocity [0,0,-0.1]; if (local _v) then { _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 25.08.2012 19:46:49: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:49: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:54: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:54: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:59: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:59: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:47:02: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:47:02: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:47:07: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:47:07: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:47:13: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:47:13: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c"
  9. I guess i have a slight problem here: I am unconscious even the timer ran off....... does anyone has a solution for this?
  10. Yshido

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    After a second hackattack the Server is offline by now! Bottomline!
  11. Yshido

    Always unconscious

    we just tried it. no chance. I am asking someone to just kill me.....
  12. Yshido

    Always unconscious

    "do a bandage workaround"? well... i am lying here on the ground and could not do anything at all. :(
  13. Yshido

    Always unconscious

    I would do so, if i woul be able to hit esc to get into the game menu ^^
  14. Yshido

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    I posted the details above.
  15. Yshido

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    Our server just got massivly hacked. We will keep the server locked until further notice (roughly 1-2h)! The hackers were banned! Here are the player details. As you can see all 3 were using the same IP. Jay 3740f773357dba3f55fb8d07b203a392(OK) 25.08.2012 18:48 Kriminalz a18271c913928b994ce24f48525849fc(OK) 25.08.2012 18:48 Jan (Lobby) a0e6deb3f7ae3746f78996267221a256(OK) 25.08.2012 18:48
  16. Yshido

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    There is only one way to fix this mess: remove the items, causing the problems, from the map. Bottomline. Btw: Yesterday I had a lot of graphic issues with wirefencing ... again!
  17. TBH: If someone wants a home server, he should get his own and pay for it. Bottomline! I am really getting sick about this pseudo police stuff. As evicence they show you some screens.... have you an idea if the OP did something wrong on the server before he made the screens? No. So please tell all this pseudo police officers here to stfu or to buy their own server and do better. FFS!
  18. There is a warning by a user for ATI HD 7xxx in the reddit forums, wich was not confirmed yet:
  19. Yshido

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    I heard the standalone version should cost 15 Euros. Regarding the number of players somebody want to make cash.... thats for sure. Can you please explain yourself? And please dont tell me the standalone is a different thing.Before you can make money you need to invest. The standalone is clearly based on this mod, wich is the investment.
  20. Yshido

    Rocket/Devs, is this true?

    This one was posted allready within the bug tracker. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/41502#change-143212 For me it is working regarding vehicle inventory (except helicopter). Tents will still not save gear. Within the thread named above you can download a file wich is actually working. Can you explain that to me?
  21. even using the new server.pbo only saves the problem regarding vehicle gear.