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Everything posted by Yshido

  1. We just updated our servers to v. 97239.
  2. We are still looking for some nice ppl to test the server performance. Any help is apreciated.
  3. Please help us with this performance test by joining: DE YD1 Chenarus (v1.7.2.6/build 96584) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] IP: Port: 2302 We would appreciate if you leave your comments here.
  4. Banhammer: The following GUIDS need to banned for hacking: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d PROOF: 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:38: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #0 "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #21 " select 2; _pos=getpos _v; _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; _smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],"destructionEffect1"" 25.08.2012 19:46:40: Суровый Челябинец ( a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d - #45 "irt; _v setvelocity [0,0,-0.1]; if (local _v) then { _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 25.08.2012 19:46:41: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:41: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #21 " select 2; _pos=getpos _v; _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; _smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],"destructionEffect1"" 25.08.2012 19:46:48: InStar ( 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb - #45 "irt; _v setvelocity [0,0,-0.1]; if (local _v) then { _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 25.08.2012 19:46:49: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:49: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:54: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:54: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:46:59: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:46:59: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:47:02: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:47:02: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:47:07: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:47:07: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c" 25.08.2012 19:47:13: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #120 "i+1; sleep 0.2; }; _pos=getpos _v; clearVehicleInit _v; deletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm; if (surfaceiswater(_pos) && (_pos " 25.08.2012 19:47:13: Ic0n ( 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 - #133 ", _v]; _sm setDropInterval 1; _i=0; _dr=0.2; _tv=11; removeallweapons _v; if (local _v) then {_expl="HelicopterExploSmall" c"
  5. Our server is not working since September 3rd. The lazy and feckless support is not able to fix it, even they mentioned they have fixed it. We opened up a paypal dispute now. These guys are not getting my money though!
  6. DE 443 Welcome to DE 443 server. If you encounter any issues please use this thread for your complains. Version Information: Beta: 96061 Dayz: Hive: 0.7.3 Server restarts: Automatic restarts are turned off. Server will be restarted manually. Additional Information: Vehicles are availabel and save their inventory! Tents will save their inventory only the first time saved! Ban List: The following GUIDs were banned from our server: 3740f773357dba3f55fb8d07b203a392 -1 Cheating/Hacking a18271c913928b994ce24f48525849fc -1 Cheating/Hacking 3740f773357dba3f55fb8d07b203a392 -1 Cheating/Hacking 48ee7a031ce5d1d3f24f4c73f15503c7 -1 Cheating/Hacking 541fab696bf8922151e26737a39639bb -1 Cheating/Hacking a4e6455a2a66b0d951195beedfe32e6d -1 Cheating/Hacking c10b8a66b127363a509b95896d1b809a -1 Cheating/Hacking d6b2128da03fc8b946e017349f2b8a0c -1 Cheating/Hacking
  7. Yshido

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    Server is not working properly since Septemper 3rd. The HostAltitude support is lazy and incompetent. They are not able to fix the server. We opened up a PayPal conflict now. So expect the server not comming up again.
  8. how to fix it... it seems i am facing the same issue and our host is completly incompetent
  9. Makes 2 days without beeing able to use the server .... time for some candy if you want to get my money next month.
  10. Our server from HostAltitude was just overtaken. I wonder if someone expirienced the same. Here is what the hacker actually did: - changed server name completly (we dont have access to the file necessary to do this) - changed maximum players (we dont have access to the file necessary to do this) - deleted battleye (regarding a log file)
  11. support is pain in the but. i will never ever rent a server from these fucks anymore
  12. Better get hands on my ticket! Our server got overtaken, slots were changed and the support dont care.
  13. I have to confess the support suxx big time. Ticket submitted 4h ago and not even a reaction.
  14. changed all the stuff allready. but even the ftp access you are not able to change the slots and the name. you dont have access to the neccessary files.
  15. OWNEROR-SHCIUM3 And we have no possibility to change it.
  16. I contacted them, but no reply so far. I doubt the server was given to someone else. I can still log into the controlpanel and ftp. The servers name is change to some hacker stuff.
  17. Our server is offline, saying status unknown within the controlpanel! The support is not reacting. The companies servicenumber within the support messages is unknown. .....
  18. Nope. It works on official servers too. All you need is access to the server files (usally u have ftp access).
  19. Yshido

    Is an admin allowed to?

  20. Auf der Seite befindet sich gar kein Impressum und es werden Dienstleistungen gewerblich angeboten. Das ist a) unprofessionell und schreit förmlich nach einer Abmahnung. Du solltest den Thread hier unbedingt löschen oder ein Impressum mit allen für den gewerblichen Betrieb notwendigen Angaben auf der Seite einrichten oder Dich auf Post von einem Anwalt einstellen.
  21. Yshido

    Server with save function working !

    How to wipe all tents? Just outa interest ^^
  22. Yshido

    [Server Thread] DE 443

    We are facing massive Battleye issue at the moment. People are getting kicked all over the place. We are trying to fix it.
  23. Yshido

    Looking for a host.

    Get a dedicated server and make a private hive.
  24. Due to this hint i Am going to join this forum cause the DayZ rules are just stupid. Thanks mate!