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Everything posted by Matsumae

  1. Matsumae

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    you're right, we don't kill each other like animals. at least animals have good reason (hunger, territory, mates, etc) humans kill eachother with little to no reason all the time, every single day.
  2. Matsumae

    So do we need a way.

    how are stupid noobs even a small threat to pros? Most of those noobs won't even have weapons... Same with people trying to get revenge. if someone killed you and took your things, how can you get revenge? they'll just kill you again :) I think some way of spawning on your RL friends would be a useful feature, or having a way to spawn randomly but in a group (say you and your friend died at the same time from a player, you get to respawn together as well) Im sure there's something in the works, the game still has a long way to go!