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About superhans18

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    On the Coast
  1. superhans18

    Day Z amazing, Arma II poor interface

    Thank Ubiq, I toned it down even further. Shouldn't have been so negative in the first place. And thanks, Nuke. I'm sure I'll get used to it. It's just infuriating when the interfaces is more frustrating than the actual game, when the game has potentially the most frustrating gameplay in the history of games! If that made sense.
  2. superhans18

    Day Z amazing, Arma II poor interface

    A lot of good comments, mixed in with some confusion. Just to clarify: From my brief experience with Arma II (yes, I bought it because of DayZ - does that invalidate my opinion? Only if you are an oblivious fanboy) it does a fantastic job as a hardcore simulator. I don't think I've seen anyone dispute that. And as I've said, I'm not expecting the gameplay to be smooth like a retail game - it's a mod played on overcrowded servers. I get that, no complaints there. My specific gripe was that the interface and interaction with the different elements at your disposal is very poor. This has nothing to do with "being a hardcore sim". This has to do with having good UI designers. It's cool that eating a can of beans takes a few seconds, but picking up the can of beans, shuffling around your inventory, and activating them should be wayyyyyyyyyy easier and more intuitive.
  3. Wow it's awful. The inventory/loot system is horribly implemented, item usage is just weird (it was weird before, now we have to open our bags? even weirder), menus are a joke (have you looked at the keybind section?)... It's one of the worst, clunkiest game I've ever seen. I would pay full retail in a heartbeat for this game on a legit, non-scrub interface. Am I the only one?
  4. superhans18

    Server Response

    Data: 1 server in 12 worked for me. Spent about an hour trying to connect to various servers across the world. Sucks.
  5. Hey All, Just downloaded the game and mod and plan on logging on for the first time tonight. I was perusing the stickies, and it seems that the inventory is/was pretty buggy. Is this still the case? Are there plans to fix this? I am happy to give the mod leeway for a long while, as long as basic functionality stuff like this is actively being addressed. Just curious what everyone's experiences are, and if you have any advice to ensure I don't glitch out any important items. Thanks