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About coatesy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. coatesy

    Everything is black/white/grey

    Edit: Turned on flashlight and boom some colour. New dayz player so sorry for the retarded post xD
  2. coatesy

    Everything is black/white/grey

    is this what it is like at night? Fucking hell talk about survival.
  3. coatesy

    Everything is black/white/grey

    Yeah it seems to be a dusk/dawn thing but still....everything shouldnt be greyscale?
  4. coatesy

    Everything is black/white/grey

    I have maximum blood, this is on a brand new character. Like first time spawning.
  5. Joining servers and basically I have no colour at all except black/grey colours. It is so hard to play like this. Anyone know how to fix the problem or is experience it?