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Posts posted by sekkari

  1. You're missing a bit but yeah it looks good http://code.google.c...es/detail?id=20

    Yes there might be some missing. That text were in scripts.txt file. Not in remoteexec/createvehicles (or something).

    Point is that if/when some admin googles things and see only that "createVehicle = ban" line he starts to ban people.

    In that case I posted with that line 3 guys in chopper and 12 guys on the ground would have been banned (including me but not 2 guys in chopper. With their name there was no that kind lines.) WITHOUT reason.

    We can't get that new ARMA patch on our server because GSP have problems with that and devs won't help... just screwing with them.And as i heard that new patch screwed 1 server from our provider. That's why we cant get remoteexec/createvehicles work...

  2. lol, nice try. Show us your "huge investigation" or take your misinformation somewhere else.

    For example this line in logs(scripts.txt):

    player (**.***.***.***:2304) 4938f09cb27**********b466b9c5784 - #20 "

    if (isServer) then {

    _object = createVehicle ['UAZ_CDF', [6085.27, 1865.83, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE

    Would you ban ?

  3. All server hosts give you what you pay for......

    You pay VERY little and in return you get very little.

    Use your head before you complain IMO.

    Think about what you are truely getting in return for your 1-2$ a day server hosting.

    Again another useless comment... from guy whos asking donates for his server...

    Who said something about 1-25 days ?

    And is there really servers for 1-25 day ? Weird that guys comes to comment and think their self some weird things.

  4. Lol "nothing important" on the forums. So you're pissed you got as much effort from Vilayer as you gave on researching server hosts on the forum? The irony.

    Pretty much non-sence for me.

    Yes I'm kind of pissed. Just coming out of closet so another people shouldn't have same "service" like i did.

    Why the heck I should put effort for searching hosts ? Who does that ?

    Oh, i see. You are from America - that explains a lot for European people. You sue everybody and get some refund from there.

    The Irony.

    P.S Are you stock holder of vilayer.com/ vilayer LTD?

  5. My first post yes.

    Usually i don't read any forums because there is nothing "important". Just trolls etc.

    Basically i don't give shait if that provider won't pay me back but i can suggest for other ppl that they really shouldnt buy anything from there.

    It's only principles what's matter for me.

  6. Hi comrades !

    Are you going to get your own server ?

    I can only recommend that you DON'T get it from www.vilayer.com !!!

    I ordered server from them. 1 day went after i paid my dear server. I asked from support is my server setting up soon like they promise on frontpage. No answer at all !

    After ~26 hour waiting I got answer.

    With all excitement that "answer" was question!

    It tooked little bit over 2 days that they "was going" to set my server up.

    That was too late for me because i got another server in ~15 minutes.

    Now that provider (www.vilayer.com) is not going to pay my money back at all.... Not going to set up my PAID server...

    I suggest guys... AVOID this provider !!!

    AVOID (and maby they can't sell these servers ?)
