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Posts posted by slugsmoneygirls

  1. put a log out timer that keeps u in server for 20-30 secs after u leave the server even if u alt tab. insta log out kind of ruins the whole point of this game. i hear BI is working on some crazy scheme that records players log out behaviours and kills their character or something based on something. WHY not just put a simple log out timer. alt+f4 haha ur char still stays in the server for 20 seconds even if ur game is off. why do you want to overload your servers with more data collection/processing.

    reduce the gun damage to other players. pvp is fun in this game so make it last longer. fuck realism, i like drawn out battles which are more about skill rather than the luck of positioning. i have realised the arma2 tryhard realism simulator faggots get PMS when i mention low gun damage because it is not realistic (like realism matters in a game where i die of thirst in 30 mins.....) so maybe body armor-- kevlar/ceramic plates would be a welcome addition to the game.

    remove RNG based stuff like knocked down when under 9000 hp. this is just dumb. stupid random events like this and bugs are annoying and stupid.

    make zombies harder. maybe more damage and/or HP or just add more (might increase lag). reason why people dont work together is because the zombies are so easy. srsly i dont even bother to stealth even if i dont have weapon. just sprint around like a madman and aggro all of cherno, do some crazy tricks its all good. i dont think you should be able to outrun zombies indefinitely either, it makes the game wayyyyyy tooo easyyyyyyy.


    please make standalone version fast. arma engine is sucks. god what kind of retard idea was it to put positive accel on y axis and negative accel on x axis and you cant even turn it off. most ridiculous UI and inventory system as well. why use change in colour to represent hunger/thirst levels. almost every other game out there uses a bar or a numerical value because it is better, it is easier to tell what your levels are like compared to colour change system. also current system is not colourblind compatible.


    DO IT

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  2. me and my bro were a bit south of NW airfield when i heard a sniper shot just miss me narrowly so we started running through trees/foliage towards a small single entrance house and made it in there safely. i thought we would camp the entrance and wait for them to come in and light em up. we heard them fighting off zombies as they were getting close to the house. i heard 3 distinct gun sounds; an AKM i think, a lee enfield and some sort of sniper rifle i dont know which one.

    soon after my bro who was prone right underneath a window got 1 shot by what sounded like a lee enfield (not sure) and then i get 1 shot and some guy walks in almost simultaneously as i got shot. I am suspecting it was just lag and that is why the guy appeared to walk in after i died and i was genuinely killed by him.

    How did my bro get oneshot through the walls. I have never played arma, is it possible to one shot through walls like that?? how did they know exactly were he was? hacks? its not like they shot at the house numerous times and eventually hit us. it was just 2 clean shots.

    what is the best thing to do when u come under fire like that? did i do the right thing by running into that house and camping the entrance? we were king of in a semi open field with sparse vegetation in certain areas?
