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Everything posted by Mayuyu

  1. Have you launched both ARMA II and ARMA OA? This belongs in the technical support forum section by the way.
  2. You could always find a tent, place it at the back of no-where, put your stuff in it, jump in front of a car and respawn, run to your tent and get your things back. This update for female models might not happen any time soon.
  3. Funniest DayZ video i've seen in a long time! The dog hacking thing has happened to me too, that was... Very strange but very funny!
  4. Mayuyu

    Can my laptop run dayz?

    There isn't really all that much you can do, however you could free space off of your harddrive, close uneeded background programs. You can also go to start task manager (when the game is running), right click it and change the priority of ArmaOA.exe to Above Normal or High. Unfortunately these won't remove the lag completely. The only real solution is to upgrade your hardware (even buy a high-end computer)
  5. Mayuyu

    [Video] Our Way To Berezino

    Lucky loot! Looks like you guys have a lot of fun! ... But that poor cow. :(
  6. This is a pretty good idea, it would also add flavour to the character models, so people don't get so bored with the same look.
  7. Mayuyu

    Can my laptop run dayz?

    Maybe on very low settings, but you'll have to live through frame-lag, mainly in the big cities. No matter what, DayZ is worth every cent. Give it a go and post results. Good luck!
  8. DayZ has to be one of the best gaming experience i've ever had, there are so many moments. One of my all time favourite moments was when I ran into a random guy outside Kamyshovo. He had zombies running after him down the road (obviously new player then haha) so I kill them all for him, as well as bandaged him. We then had a little adventure into Kamyshovo looking for supplies for him, all the while I am in an off-game voice chat with my best friend (who we got seperated when he died), he says he's found a fully working car pretty much just after spawning. I hear honking in Kamyshovo, and to our suprise my best friend is there with the car! I hop in with him, and say goodbye to the guy I just met. Heaps of zombies start chasing this poor guy, and he tries so hard to get in the car (no spaces left). We had to leave him behind, but there's actually another car on the road, so he gets into that one and drives along with us. Unfortunately a whole group of bandits start shooting at us, and he speeds ahead of us and we see him explode off in the near distance. We're laughing so hard that we can't control the vehicle and I get shot dead. My friend made it away, but lost the car. It was hilarious.
  9. Relaunch Six Updater and run DayZ through there again. This happened to me with the servers I use too. Good luck.
  10. Mayuyu

    F.A.P Looking for new members

    This is Fatdogs Almighty Paw right?
  11. Mayuyu

    Crossbow bolts stack, or a quiver

    I couldn't agree more, a quiver or stacking bolts is perfect. Also beans for Daryl Dixon!
  12. Mayuyu

    White trees and bushes and long grass?

    What you should do is under the options menu in video, go down to Video Memory. Change this to default. If it's already on that, just switch between one of the other options and back to default. This will refresh the video cache. Most graphical problems (such as that large stretching texture that covers the screen) can be fixed like this. Some times I get an Nintendo 64 glitch where the graphics turn ultra bad and lags heaps. This fixes that too.
  13. Nice video, well presented and interesting throughout it all. I thought the sound of your survivor tapping his feet in fast forward was cute, so beans for that.
  14. Mayuyu

    progression as a dayz player

    Nice video diaries! A friend and I are doing a similar video log. Good luck on your DayZ adventures, hopefully you record those too.
  15. Mayuyu

    The Easter Bunny (story)

    Interesting story! The face paint was not hacker, you can edit your looks in the player profile edit thing! Poor guy though, hahaha. This game is pretty crazy, i've had a few moments myself. :P
  16. I think he has the wrong idea. You used the word 'hop', when you meant 'go into a server' right? Server hopping is the disgraceful act of dodging danger or re-trying loot by switching between servers. Anyway, there are a lot of people who feel the same way you do, but by adding that function you suggested in the game will only ruin it. The Dev team are doing everything they can to fix the script-issues, and if you've seen the BattleEye update, over 11,000 people have been banned because of this. Most of us have been bitten by a hacker or two before. Rather than it being DayZ's fault, it's the poor hacking prevention in the original Arma II engine. If you can bare with it a little longer, the stand alone version of the game will be released in due time, and you'll be able to enjoy the game without these script-kiddies ruining hours of work.
  17. Ohhh damn so unlucky hahaha! V is a dangerous button to press, i've found.
  18. Hopefully you come across him again one day! Nice story, I feel some of the best moment in DayZ are when you come across a stranger and become buddies. It's undescribable the way you can bond with them! I came across an unarmed survivor (keep in mind this was one of the first times for me playing) and we became buddies. We got seperated in Kamenka, which got me pretty bummed out, but we eventually found each other again. We were both like "Buddy, is that you? It's you!". Sort of a touching moment when I was running down a hill to him and he was running up to me. He had to log out and log back in, but he never came back. I still miss that guy.
  19. It usually takes about an hour or two when heading north with my friend. Going to Stary, crashed heli's and then the air field usually gives us everything we once had.
  20. The videos in this thread are brilliant, nice finds people. I somewhat feel sorry for you Irbab00n, but it's so funny! I got transformed into a dog and other multiple models onces, I can say that was definitely one of my highlights of DayZ, even if the hacker killed me.
  21. Luke688 is a goat spy, do not trust him under any circumstance. Trying to raise the goat army are we? I've seen countless of men being slaughtered at the hoofy-hands of your comrades. One goat even grabbed ahold of my ally and laughed as Zed's ripped his body limb from limb. Not to mention all the teleporting goats I've seen. You try and use self defence, but before you know it they've teleported back to their HQ and the whole goat race knows your location. It's not safe out there. They're indiscriminate and will kill anyone who is unfortunate enough to come by them. The rise of the goat is upon us! EDIT: VIDEO PROOF
  22. A friend and I plan on using one on a cow. Or a chicken. Or you.
  23. There might be a discount, or you might have to pay the full price. I don't think anyone knows at the moment. This is hardly a problem since it'd be worth the money!
  24. Mayuyu

    Having multiple characters

    This worked with two steam accounts (aka two different Arma II: Combined Operations copies) as the game goes by CD Keys rather than a profile name or profile, so if you can legally obtain another CD key, that's the only way.
  25. This sucks majorly, and i've been hearing a lot about it happening. Someone posted a video of it happening to them here: It's really bad that the game is being hacked so often, and it's obviously easy to do as it's just happening all over the place. Hopefully this can be fixed soon.