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Everything posted by Mayuyu

  1. Mayuyu

    [VIDEO] Green Mountain

    That place creeped me out. This video doesn't help!
  2. Really nice videos, I like them all! Great post too, I will take in your tips, thank you!
  3. Mayuyu

    A pleasant suprise

    I love these stories. Beans for good guys!
  4. Mayuyu

    Question! Someone answer?

    The registry edit is really simple, that's the solution, give it a go. You'll only risk mucking up if you go haywire in the regs, just follow the instructions and it's all a matter of clicking on a file to switch accounts.
  5. Mayuyu

    DayZ UFOs at Elektro!

    Beartraps, UFO's or see-through tacos. Take your pick.
  6. You're a good sport! Nice recording, seemed like a pretty good fight!
  7. Mayuyu

    Question! Someone answer?

    There is a super easy solution for this, just follow my instructions! If you have a 64bit computer the process might be a little different, this is for 32bit. On your steam account, launch both ARMA II and ARMA II OA, and get to the menu. Type into Run 'Regedit' In the folder list, you'll need to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Bohemia Interactive Studio There are two folders called ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA Right click on ARMA 2 OA and choose export title it with your name. Export the registery files somewhere where you can access them, like a folder in my documents called 'keys' What this does is switches between your CD and her CD key, since ARMA 2 does by CD key for your player. So that CD Key will be yours. Get your girlfriend to log into hers, and she must launch both ARMA II and ARMA OA. Repeat the process, and export her registery files and name them her name so you know which account you'll be logging into.
  8. Mayuyu

    DayZ: Glass legs

    Holy crap that actually scared me! There must have been an invisible meat tenderiser on the floor.
  9. Mayuyu

    So i found this hacker stash...

    Taking the items is not the right thing to do, and I would suggest dropping and destroying them.
  10. Mayuyu

    Looking For, A Ghillie Suit

    I think you're more likely to find a Ghillie yourself than someone random giving you one.
  11. Mayuyu


    They have mounted machine gun(s) that people can use. Deadly.
  12. Really pretty city! I'd love to see a big city in DayZ. The problem with massive cities is the risk factor drops by a lot. Servers would need to hold a lot more players! The ARMA game is hard to run, and that would be a nightmare... Cherno, Berezino and Elektro are too small, but it makes confrontations a lot more exciting.
  13. Mayuyu

    Few questions about this mod......

    To answer all of your questions, your computer will likely chug the game and lag, if you turn all the settings to their lowest option, you might be able to play it. Maybe with some frame-rate issues, but then again, not everyone has a really good computer so we learn to live with it. You will experience drops when near cities or buildings. There's a nifty site called "CanIRunIt?" or something along those lines, give it a go to get an estimate of what your performance will be. If you buy from the steam store, the installation is relatively easy, yet some people still have issues with it. Best of luck when you install, I advise Six Updater to install the mod. I've had no problem with it. Just don't click on the servers from the Six Launcher, use the multiplayer menu in ARMA:OA There are a LOT of servers, and you can make one if you are willing to pull out some dosh.
  14. Mayuyu

    Weird Sound?

    It's following you. Run. (Provide us with an example maybe?)
  15. Mayuyu

    Settings won't save.

    Do you just press or click escape by any chance? You have to choose "okay" or whatever the positive word is for them to change. Still gets me every now and then.
  16. Yes this works, but you will have bad textures. Worth it!
  17. Hello, if you're still here, i'd like to play with you today! I am free from my usual DayZ buddy, and I have a spare gun incase I ran into a fresh spawner, so I can offer you that.
  18. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/15068-bashir/ Here you go. Where's my beans?
  19. Hello, nice to meet you! 1. Yes, it is possible, they're just hard to hit. Get out your hatchet if you're worried about ammo loss. 2. I know that the game area continues outside of what is displayed on maps. I've only gone so far, but eventually the trees stop appearing and it's just blank. I'm sure there must be an end, but have not gone that far yet! 3. Are you looking for the server on the Six Launcher? It's best to just click 'play' in six, and then in the game multiplayer menu, look for it (by filtering it) 4. You must have your primary weapon out to remain in the prone position when looting, very useful! Edit: This might just be for accessing your pack, i'll give it a go next time i'm in-game 5. Ghillie suit removes the backpack in most cases. Just bad luck, as the Ghillie's are a bit bugged. Be careful when using them. 6. This happens all the time, wrong signatures for files will pring (is that a word?) you (and others) for this. Illegal copies deteriate. Yes, from my experience. It'd be safer to (when at the pack you want) transfer your items to the one you want, then take it with the scroll wheel. Happy DayZ adventuring!
  20. You're supposed to mention what server and time you play on as well, guys.
  21. The hunting down the others on the GPS sounds like it could be pretty cool if implemented right. The only thing against it is the other end of the GPS will be able to see the enemy as well. Could cause a good revenge fight.
  22. Mayuyu

    A story and thanks

    What a jolly well good guy! God speed to that man.
  23. Mayuyu

    White trees and bushes and long grass?

    The only other suggestion I have is to re-install. Has DayZ always been like this? And if none of the other suggestions worked, the only other option is to re-install any content related to ARMA and DayZ. If you have the steam version, validate the files in-case you're missing something. I hope you can fix your problem.
  24. Mayuyu

    Steam or non steam?

    From what I know, the Steam version is a little easier to get working. Unfortunately the steam sales ended, it was really cheap! Good luck getting to play DayZ, and have a good time.
  25. Hahaha that's brilliant! Gave me a good laugh. :D Me and a friend were in Cherno, and we spot a guy shooting someone. Trying to avoid the conflict, we run around him, but he had the same idea. Somehow during this, I lose my friend, and instead I bump into the guy we're running away from. He shoots me, breaks my legs and steals my things. However i'm still alive. I'm telling my friend that "he was at the side of the church". I manage to get up after a while, and start bandaging myself, my friend says "OH I SEE HIM!". Shoots me instead.