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About iyax

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  1. my idea to help against hackers is bring in a 'kill feed' just like battlefield, it should say 'KILLER - WEAPON USED - PERSON KILLED' then if the admin is on and he notices for example that the 'killer' is using an AS50 TWS or something he can then kick/ban the player. i knwo this isnt the best fix but it could help a bit
  2. iyax

    Heli idea

    Just5 a quick idea that me and some of my clan had come up with, any 'legit' ideas are welcome :) I think each server should have 3 choppers, 1 each spawn at the airfields. this would make the game much more fun because; Positives 1. You wouldnt have aerial domination (my clan used to have a chopper till a random DC and we were never worried about being shot down) 2. Servers would have more active groups and more firefights! 3. would help against vehicle hoarders (the main reason it helps against hoarders is if you get a chopper in the air searching for peoples base is easy. also my idea of people not hoarding the heli is make them very very very demanding e.g. make parts on them wear, make more parts including fan belts, batteries and make it so the chopper takes aviation fuel or something) Negatives 1. Maybe server side issues of 3 choppers moving at once? 2. a bit to much pvp at airfields. What do you guys think about these ideas? Probably a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes buts it 2am so leave me alone ;)
  3. iyax

    Not fully using GPU

    Ok so let me get this straight you expect a GPU that is at 60% usage to give good FPS when settings are turned up? and my PC is not the problem or are you saying bf3 is more demanding? and i have also used different servers. Got that?
  4. iyax

    Not fully using GPU

    Right, i have just closed dayz and opened bf3 without closing a single program and my gpu fully utalised. there is no program in the background stopping it.
  5. iyax

    Not fully using GPU

    Its a 2500k OC'ed to 5Ghz. and no nik the problem is that when i turn on the eye candy it stays at the low usage and the fps is shit. its plays BF3 on ultra so bottleneck is not a problem.
  6. Hi, for some reason when ingame on arma 2 + DayZ my GPU isnt fully being used, its sits at about 60% usage. the GPU in question is a 7850.
  7. iyax works below?

    bump for answers
  8. For some reason when i am using the new patch i cant connect to any previous patch servers, is this meant to happen or is it a problem on my end?
  9. iyax

    Has duping been fixed?

    Meh, im fed up of the fully armed L85 + .50 running around killing people because they have nothing to lose, take the fun out of it really..
  10. Basically the title, hoping it has been fixed as it will level the playing field..
  11. Do you have a MK 48 MOD 0 or a M240
  12. Im looking for someone to trade a SVD for some items, if you have one send me a PM.
  13. Do you have any lightmachine guns apart from the saw? we have M9 SD and gillie suits