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About zScratchii

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  1. hey man, id like to join your survivor group,i have been playing dayz for about a year now and i have a lot of experience playing dayz. im 16 , add me on skype: zscratchii
  2. zScratchii

    AUS - Looking for a DayZ buddy

    hey man, im very experienced with dayz and im a great player, add my skype : zscratchii
  3. zScratchii

    Recruiting Players

    In-Game Name:liam Age:15 How long have you been playing DayZ:few months Do you know the basics of the game:yeh im a very experienced player Where are you from:england Can you talk plain, good english:well yeh since im from england :L Are you willing to do anything to help a clan member in need:yeh sure Steam Username/Skype Username(If you have Steam/Skype):skype: zscratchii
  4. zScratchii

    Anyone looking to join a group ?

    hi im a very experienced dayz play and i have decent equiment , add me on skype : zscratchii
  5. zScratchii

    Looking For a group of 4-5

    add my skype: zscratchii
  6. zScratchii

    Young survivors (recruiting)\

    Skype -zscratchii Steam-zscratchii Age-15 i play most days
  7. my skype : zScratchii, ( add me) i have been playing for about a month now and i am well equipped, i am mature and looking for a group because its boring playing on your own and i want to kill some people (only armed).
  8. yo accept my friend request on skype (zscratchii) and we can crack on and kill some players
  9. hey man im looking for a group to play with, ive been playing for about a month now and im a smart player, add me on skype: zScratchii
  10. zScratchii

    New 4 person group/clan

    hey im 15 and i have been playing dayz for about a month now and i am very well setup, add my skype : zScratchii
  11. zScratchii

    Looking for serious people to join a team

    add me on skype zScratchii
  12. im very experienced and im 15, add my skype: zscratchii
  13. zScratchii

    Who's up for an adventure!

    you got skype?