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Everything posted by J-B

  1. Hi guys, I bought ARMA 2 and OA about a year and a half ago and played them both with no real problems (even managed to get in a few HUGE battles through the editor and it still ran at least over 30 FPS) DayZ on the other hand runs so crappy its not even worth playing. I don't understand, I have optimized ARMA 2 with the config file changes, startup parameters, high priority, ...etc.... and it still runs like crap. Even on lowest settings i hover around 10 FPS. I have even heard that running some settings on high boosts performance because it forces the GPU to work harder but that never helped. Im at a complete loss and its frustrating because this is the most fun i have ever had on a mod. Here are my Specs: Intel Core I7-2670 QM @2.20ghz 4.00 GB of RAM Windows 7-64-bit. Nvidia GT555m @ 1.5GB's of VRAM I play every other game on near max or max settings, no problems always 45+ FPS, ARMA 2 Ran just like the others but DayZ offers the worst performance i have ever seen. I am currently reinstalling my ARMA games to see if that made a difference.
  2. There have been times when i have waited almost 10 minutes for the game to load. Quite ridiculous
  3. Can someone explain why DayZ is only using 10% of my I7=2670? I am experiencing terrible frame rate but it is only using 1/10th of my processing power.
  4. I should i have stated that i already tried that.... sorry
  5. how do i dual boot with 32 bit? would i have to re-buy windows 7?
  6. Humanity as well as skin changing is very buggy at the moment
  7. it is the rarest spawn, rejoice!
  8. J-B

    Entrenching tool, etc.

    Positive, i have repaired 15+ vehicles including a helo and no toolbox was on me.
  9. J-B

    Help a newbie bandit

    In cherno....On top of the firestation tower (with a lee enfield) with a Scoped rifle, on top of the factory cylinders. In Elektro....Sniper Hill (be careful, other bandits up there too)...
  10. ...well fuck that, back to banditry
  11. Hi, yesterday i found and repaired a bus in elektro, once repairs were completed i went to hide it because it was kind of late, when i logged off the server there was no one in the entire server, i saved the bus 2 or 3 times. I just want to know if somebody somehow found the bus or it just deleted its self because I have seen a lot of posts about peoples vehicles getting deleted.if anyone knows anything about this please tell me
  12. Hi so I just logged into DayZ and went to the upstairs of the firehouse to find a DMR which I suspect someone dropped because to my knowledge DMR's don't spawn in firehouses, I then looked out the window to find that there were a bunch of hotels spawned and that this server had gotten hacked. Now I really want to keep my DMR but will get rid of it as soon as I log in if I can get banned for using it or if someone hacked it in. Any tips here? thank you
  13. #1 Thank you, didn't know that#2 Thank you #3 yes i am, the international hotel in Chernogorsk, the hacked server had ten of them in places they shouldn't be. P.S. Im not a new player
  14. I believe i have had the strangest day in Dayz today. first i spawned into the game in elektro looting the store i hear the sound of a heli, look outside and there it is, i shoot at it, it shoots at me, no one died though. then i find a bandit he shoots me i run and we are shooting eachother, i go come behind a corner after kinda playing hide and seek with this guy find another bandit shooting someone i think, but i thought he was the one who shot me so i shot him. I broke his legs and he did some ninja barrel rolling and killed me.(i guess i suck:( )anyways i spawn back into elektro trying to run straight to my body but as i was running i spotted a bandit. he was soon shot and 2 more bandits ran around him, i just crouch up from prone ready to go to his body, but then i hear a car and come zooming right in front of me is a red sedan,after that i ran up to the bandit body, but he had nothing, now continuing to my body i find nothing but a winchester which was not mine. I take and run to the store and of course he takes me down with a makarov, and then i wrote this on the forums. I don't know about you, but that was my strangest time in Dayz. Share yours! thanks
  15. Hi, I downloaded the Dayz commander and it worked for a little bit, but now when I launch it, the screen won't pop up and when i click on the tab it still won't come up, at this point i have redownloaded the commander and the screen still won't pop up, any suggestions? Thanks
  16. Thanks Dude, I got it, I tried them all but the second one is the one that worked thanks
  17. J-B

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    absolutely right, its not like the creator of the map is trying to take credit for the whole game, i guess what i like about the new map idea all in all is that it gives me some choice, but i guess the reason Rocket is against it is because the guy who made the map took the dayz gametype or something without permission and used it which is actually pretty understandable. (I posted this thread before I figured this out)
  18. J-B

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    thank you, there are more hotspots i think reducing the amount of spawn camping
  19. J-B

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Sorry about the multiple posts, when I tried to post it the first time it brought me to a cannot display page, so I assumed it wasn't getting posted
  20. J-B

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Why doesn't anyone like the new map Lingor Island, and yes i do realize its not rockets or an official map. but its not hurting anyone is it, I don't know about you guys but, bigger cities, rivers (for boats), more airfields sounds pretty good to me, personally, Chernarus is great but gets boring when you have been everywhere, I just think that if you don't like the map you don't play it, personally, it makes me feel like i got choices, please share your thoughts, I wanna hear them.\ Also, I heard you can get banned for playing the map, is this true? Thanks
  21. J-B

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I came across what people are calling the new DayZ map, i did some research on it and the idea seems pretty cool, i now have the understanding that it is an unofficial or hacked map. My first thing is, why is everyone against it, its not like it would become the only map you can play, it isn't hurting anyone, personally, Chernarus is great but having a new map and stuff isn't such a bad thing, bigger cities, more of them, more airfields, i personally don't see a problem with it. Please share your thoughts, I want to hear about what everyone thinks about this? Also, I heard you can get banned for playing this map, is this true? Thanks
  22. Someone nuked the server and placed us all in the water off the map. no way to kill myself, no way to get back to land (4 hours of swimming? yeah right). So here i am in vertigo just waiting to die. removing the respawn button did far more damage than it helps. just my 2 cents.
  23. J-B

    THAT Mountain. Sorry to US 1218.

    Yeppp, O'l Indian burial ground up that road
  24. Hey guys, i know im not supposed to talk about it but this last time i went, i swear it was like the movie "Grave Encounters" Grave Encounters: a group of TV people get stuck in an Asylum. The Asylum seems to be in its own universe where time does not affect the Night (1:00 PM and its still pitch black night outside). Strange stuff seems to to happen to them until they eventually go insane. Green Mountain: I know there are a few vehicle spawns and i am nearby so i figure why not, its dark out, the moonlight provides great visibility. i make my way up the mountain, Zombies spawn (i knew no one was nearby). I sneak around them and move inside the building. oh look, i have some work to attend to, i log out. I come back a few hours later (same server) and its still night outside, no prob, im sure everything is normal, it had only been a few hours, i notice that the gate is is closed now. This is a tiny server, less than 10 people. While it is possible someone came in the time i was gone its highly improbable, i do some server hopping, 7 servers, all Night-time, im getting scared (not really but i play the game like its real) the new servers, its so dark you cant see anything. I accidentally sprint. The screams of some night terror ring through the trees surrounding the now useless radio tower. I run for what i presume to be the gate, ALAS! it is. I start running away and am hit by a zombie, i pass out because of the dumb mechanic but get back up quickly, remember its still dark outside VERY DARK. I keep running straight until i hit something. I cant see too well but it appears to be White, and Red.......................... I look up and see the dark silhouette of the massive tower. "How, how the fuck can that be the tower, i mean i just ran away from it. HOW THE FUCK AM I BACK IN THIS SHITHOLE?". Knowing there are at least 10 zombies on my trail now, i crawl into the tunnel inside the tower, load my M9, and point it towards the door. The sounds of the dead ring through the hallways. I fire and fire, not being able to hit their head because i am shaking. As they approach i can see my blood dropping from the hits, the sounds of thuds from their fists ripping at my chest. I fall, unconscious, I log out of rage. Two days later i start up the Ol' Six Launcher, join a server with the idea that i would start a new character. What is this?, my old character, with 2.4k blood, laying on the ground, Its daylight, the gate is open. The Doctor said i'm all better now
  25. J-B

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    more choices = bigger endgame.