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Posts posted by Corp

  1. Maybe the items from the game type now, carry over to this 'capture the flag' idea of yours.

    Then maybe a ranking system?

    But there would be penalties for losing, like it may take away some of your ranks and items you may have, so your at a disadvantage if you lose a lot. This would then encourage team work as people (obviously) wouldn't want to lose their items.

  2. The chances of actually getting a sniper is veeeeerrrryyy difficult.

    Even though i've gotten lucky, killed 2 people over two servers with my friend, and found two AS50's two GPS', compasses, maps, range finders, NVG's and plenty of bullets for a range of different guns.

    Buuuutt.. I guess i'm just lucky.

  3. Do we realy have to make the game so simple?

    But then what walkers get dogs to?

    or the dogs run wild in trees and wilderness?

    hmm some Z-dogs this could be funny

    Z-dogs, like in "I am Legend". That would be very funny.

    (scary at the same time though)
