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Everything posted by MrCunningham

  1. MrCunningham

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Video of with glitches at Stary Sobor. Multiple flush attempts and very clear view of dead soldier artifact sources at 0:42 http://youtu.be/iPt05zGut3c
  2. MrCunningham

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Artifacts seem different. SS of a tent related one in Stary attached., 95883, LU241, Nvidia
  3. MrCunningham

    What exactly is Artifacting?

    In the context of digital images and video the term artifact often refers to one of two things; Pixelisation or other unwanted results caused by over compression (images/video) and/or rapid movement/scene changes (video). You will have seen this yourself on digital TV, youtube or static images. Badly shaped/broken polygons caused by math errors due to hardware faults or geometry errors - this is what you are seeing in DayZ The artifacting people are talking about here just means that you are seeing a lot of artifacts as a result of something going 'sproing'. For more, google for '3d artifacts' or 'image compression artifacts' etc.