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Posts posted by cfrock

  1. Age (Be Honest):21

    In Game Name: BPF

    skype: cfrock7124

    Real name: Corey

    Country/Timezone:USA EST

    Are You Active?:Yes, i played daily for about 3 weeks

    Experience In Dayz: 3 weeks

    Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Im a veteran of the 82nd Airborne division. Served 9 months in A-Stan as an airborne Infantryman. I hope that qualifies.

  2. alight, still no luck. i found a problem on my own. maybewill clear stuff up.

    i didnt reroute the launch through steam, i opened up the steam files and made a copy of the exe and added the =mod=@day shit there.

    so i fixed thatand did the launch through steam and when ni open up AO and go to the menu it finally says @dayz.

    then the problem was it wasnt updated. so i researched andupdated it to version 1.62 but everything is stillx'd out..

    now what?

    and i ran both of the files already

  3. Alright, im at wits end here so im asking you guys for a moment of your time.

    Im not the most tech savvy person, but im also not an idiot. im learning

    Ok so i bought both games on steam.

    i downlaoded dayz through 6updater.

    Here is where im stuck...

    at first i was tring to play through OA and i was getting the "you cannot pla/edit blahblahvlah.... .chaurus" error

    (on the menu screen on the right side it showed the @dayz thing....note this)

    after looking that up i read to run it through the combine operations... so i did

    this time at the menu screen it doesnt say @dayz on the right hand side just arma2

    which probably isnt good.

    i tried to continue anyway and all of the dayz missions are x'd and when i click it, it says at the bottom in red version 1.62

    when apparently i have 1.60???

    well gents, im sure something;/s not right.

    i really would like this to work ...i dont want to give up yet.

    thank you all in advanced

    edit: i checked through all the files and it seems like everything is where it should be

    through 6updater
