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Hashmark Johnson

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Posts posted by Hashmark Johnson

  1. Name:Chuck


    In game name:Hashmark Johnson

    Steam Id: deebo40

    Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Medic,bodyguard,overwatch,or Fire Team Leader

    Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :Tired of the direction the game has started to swing, shoot on site joy killers who are shooting and killing innnocents, and fellow suvivors just for the joy of killing. I have survived alone in the woods for weeks now drinking from ponds and lakes and living off the wild animals. Ive avoided citys for some time now and want to link up with fellow suvivors to retake villages from the bandits and the true enemys the Zombie Spawn.

    What can you offer to the clan: I can provide leadership, map reading and navigation skills and maturity. I understand unit tactics from real world experience (US Marine Corps Combat Vet) and I have played Arma and its prior games since its begining long before Day Z.

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