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Posts posted by baheid@msn.com

  1. umm not really he wasn't mad he was curious so he went looking for the person who took his white truck and he only found them cause they nearly ran him over lol and we have poor observation skills

    So his vehicles get taken by a group of 7 people who apparently play there alot according to their posts, and he decides since he THINKS they're hacking(With 0 proof and only suspicion) He can permaban them? He needs solid evidence.

    At any rate this is a case for admin abuse as it's pretty cut and clear with his admission of banning because of stolen vehicles regardless of his drivel filler about supposed hacks, and he has no evidence of hacking.

    If he knew anything about what the hacks can do he wouldn't suspect people who just find and try to take vehicles, they would just nuke them.

  2. Sounds like admin is mad his vehicles got stolen by players on his server, take it to admin abuse and it will be resolved quickly. He already admitted to banning you because in short terms "You took his vechiles" so "LOL HACKERS" Hope his server gets hive disabled if he can't be civil and just has to cry wolf everytime it goes sour for him.

    Also from my experience hackers just blow up vehicles because they can spawn them and spawn any items they want, there is never a reason to legitimately steal them or stay on a server.

  3. Again, I am not complaining about the firefight. I am complaining about the fact that you froze and started to make my cousin do animations and then losing all his shit. I am also worried about the fact that how we killed {TGC} Orange and then we kill him again in a few minutes near the car.

    To touch on this in a less hostile manner, I've seen a ton of people respawn where they died with full items many times, I'm not sure how it happens but it's an ALPHA and the game is buggy. Asuming he teleported there is stupid, if he could teleport why would he have even gotten killed in the first place? He could just teleport around you and kill you all if that was true. There are bugs, it happens bro.

  4. Baseless, disgusting claims? All the posts are of the same shit you kids do. And it's not QQ I'm trying to make Dayz a better game, people like you guys ruin the game. And my story never changed. My cousin froze and started doing animations.

    These whine posts after being killed is all you kids do. You are making DayZ a worse game by putting up false claims of abuse because you're butt devastated about losing your items, it sucks but suck it up and start over.. I've had to plenty of times. I'm trying to make the game a better place by sniffing out bullshit posts like yours to make fun of, get proof or get out. No proof no case, you're not getting any of your fake vindictive justice done to us without some form of proof about our "magical animation hacks" that you claim we have.

  5. Are you a fucking idiot? We are not worried about losing the firefight sense you guys had the drop. The fact that you faggots tp and start to make people do animations cause you guys are sad that half your group got fucked up. There already has been complaints about this abusive server. And we never had 3 fucking AS50'S?!?!? We had two AS50's, one DMR, one M107. And how we got that? After going through hell and back trying to find the shit and then when you guys kill us unfairly is just ridiculous.

    Also the killing you unfairly part is especially hilarious.. because Sleiyer killed FOUR of you by himself with his DMR.. your cousin died to some freezing bug, I am unsure how hacks factor into you being sniped by one guy in some bushes while his friends circled around.

  6. Are you a fucking idiot? We are not worried about losing the firefight sense you guys had the drop. The fact that you faggots tp and start to make people do animations cause you guys are sad that half your group got fucked up. There already has been complaints about this abusive server. And we never had 3 fucking AS50'S?!?!? We had two AS50's, one DMR, one M107. And how we got that? After going through hell and back trying to find the shit and then when you guys kill us unfairly is just ridiculous.

    Prove it or get out, your baseless claims are disgusting and wasting bandwith. QQ somewhere else, every complaint against us is always "QQ I got killed HACKS HACKS HACKS" I do find it cute how your story changed from your cousin freezing to suddenly he's doing animations. One person is also not half our group, nor is two people even. Get over yourself kid.

  7. You guys have had bugs where you started doing push-ups and the screen freezes? And explain how we killed {TGC} Orange and then we kill him again by the truck. It doesn't make any sense. And the fact that you responded a minute after I posted this doesn't seem fishy enough I don't know what is.

    If we had the magical mystical power to make people start doing pushups that would be pretty funny, but we don't. I also edited to state what happened now that they're back from AFK and told me, he respawned glitched with no items there and a frozen screen.

    As for responding so quickly, I browse the forums when I'm bored because the constant whining and bitching of the community in this section amuses me and I like to read it over mumble for laughs of the whole group.

    Now you get to be another one of these baseless posts of a bunch of people who got bested in a gunfight and want to complain, as far as I'm concerned you are invalidated to complaints already because your cousin pulled the ol logout like a bitch and wait for the gunfight to be over so he can login and shoot the victors.

    This conversation is over, provide a video for your bullshit claims or go away, I'm tired of giving legitimate responses to people who have too much pride to admit they lost a gunfight.

    If you want to consider it with claims of hacks I'd love to know how you had 3 AS50s in your group. Otherwise, video, pics, proof of your crap, or take your deflated ball and go home.

  8. On US 0 {TGC} we stumbled apon a group of people (five of us) (we don't remember how many they had). We got into a firefight with the members. A few of them got killed, and a lot of us got killed. My cousin Taylor was still alive and flanked around and saw them and shot 2 of them. What we found out the guy we killed earlier was already back there {TGC} Orange and

    {TGC Admin} Sleiyer. Right after my cousin Taylor killed the two is screen than froze and started doing animations and lost all his shit. This has happened a previous time but we did not think it was hacking. Same place (Stary Sobor)

    You killed exactly one person from TGC and he then EDIT:: apparently he glitched out and respawned there with a frozen screen and no items and then you killed him a second time then you killed Mr.roboto whom was also with us, you never killed or shot Sleiyer.

    Sorry to hear about your cousins bug, that's pretty shitty and it's happened to us and me personally I know how lame it is. He should consider not logging out in the middle of a firefight and then relogging to pick off people, I'm sure that probably doesn't help the situation.

    Either way it was a fun gunfight, sorry you felt the need to trivialize it by claiming abuse :(

  9. oh yes man, i was watching you running in circles around URAL for a while

    i didn't see your names, just the one i got killed. thats why i didn't mentioned who i was shooting at second time

    and the 4th guy you mentioned - well your friend with NVG was looking at me for a minute at least, you could kill me first time i played

    lagged server you say? zombies where hitting you pretty well, and as far as i could see YOU were killing them with no troubles.

    southern barracks you say - LOL this tree IS behind the hill for this point. my spotter usually covers me from that direction, so i know what i'm talking about

    also - my friends have a lot of troubles finding me under that tree, knowing i'm there! from 30 meters!

    are you checking this topic every 5 min? why is that? can't sleep at night 'cos of what you doing?

    I don't see what me running around in a circle around the URAL(Which having one has very little to do with your zombie kill score by the way) or the fact that we were shooting zombies by the car, has to do with you being killed(by your own admission of time) an HOUR after we were at the cars where you shot at us. You are running in circles around your own "QQ I GOT SHOT" whine post claiming false abuse.

    The lag I refer ot happened when you logged back in from.. I state again.. ALT-F4 to AVOID DYING like the scumbag you are. Added information would be that the guy that saw you after you started shooting DOES have a L85A2 thermal.

    Now I won't go into a large ammount of detail about what a childish little mongoloid you are, or the fact that you are trying to bait me with the lowest calibur of insults possible like you just discovered the internet and "howz to hert felings derp" last week. Or the fact that you are clearly a witless scumbag who just camps like an asshole and DCs when in danger, which is grounds for us to ban you from our server entirely.

    Also why are you still awake if you wish to bring up the topic of still sitting here checking the topic? What kind of sub-human brain insults themselves and their target at the same time?

    and tell me - you were really waiting for me for an hour to take a revenge? instead of playing?

    The guy you shot had to run to his body, took kindof a while from Kamenka, what else were we going to do other than wait for the guy who we knew loved to DC and reconnect over and over for cheap kills?

    This conversation is pretty pointless as it's pretty clear you just want to QQ in hopes for gratification that you got caught and killed being a bitch, you have 0 proof of any of your claims and they are all paper thin veiled attempts to get some kind of support for your bullshit.

    It's past your bedtime kid, get some sleep and start over tomorrow. Good luck, you'll probably need it.

  10. and once again, don't tell me this is impossible to be killed by a command

    i happened to play this server just an hour ago - spawned at north airfield - and there were 3 guys from TGC clan, with 2 trucks(oh really? only one of them had score of 80+), at dispatch tower

    i got a clear kill on one of them {TGC} Orange

    in a minute i pointed my gun at second target standing over his friend body (he had NVG and DMR). 350 meters. my DMR with NVG - 7 shots - no point. so i disconnected. i came back hour later, after checking if there were any obstacles that could block my bullet. standing in totally different place

    and than i asked "admin, how could i miss you with 300 meters 7 times?" - pretty short i was dead.

    I didn't move. Didn't make a single shot. the tree was covering me from any direction. NO SOUND. NOT A SOUND FROM SILENCED GUN. I'm not new to this game. Don't tell me they could see me. none of them was handling an L85A2 rifle with thermal vision scope.

    here are the names

    {TGC Admin} Sleiyer {TGC} Narcosis and {TGC}Orange

    by the way - i knocked out 2 wheels of the URAL truck, it was gone when i came back. sure, they could have spare parts for it, next time i'll take out all six, and i'll be back with my squad. SEE YOU, cheaters

    PEOPLE, do not, DO NOT play this server!!!

    For one I'm curious how you saw our names considering our server is set on the difficulty where names do not show up when you point at somebody, secondly our server has de-sync issues and we shot you 20 something times while you layed under the tree. We camped where you were because we caught sight of you when you were shooting at us before you decided to ALT-F4 OUT TO AVOID DYING(and you call us abusing?) You then instantly died when the server re-synced after much speculation if you were hacking or not.

    Read the fucking stickies, there is no admin kill command, you got caught out in your camp spot like the disconnecting little bitch you are stop whining because you got killed. Also there were 4 of us there, you didn't see the guy at the southern area by the barracks who spotted you with his scope before you ALT-F4'ed

    I don't know why I'm even wasting time going into detail with you, the way you type disgusts me and it's clear you have very little understanding of how this game works, you are not invisible under a tree from all angles and you lagged out from logging out over and over between our server restarting.

    Kindly fuck off.

    If more detail is needed on this I can go into it.

    As an addition stop trying to get on our server and spam us, the chat in the squad select screen can't be seen by people already loaded in and playing you retard.

  11. Simply put the admin on this server did a kill command after my friend and I shot up one of his clan members and stole his Ural Civilian full of guns, ammo, and a few grenades. Didn't get shot, nobody around and just died in the driver seat 2-3 minutes later. The admin and a few others have that [TGC] stamp before their names and the admin's says [TGC Admin]. pretty much made us quit for the night since we had to start over from having almost everything =/. happened on US 0 around 2:30-2:40 a.m. east coast time.

    Admins don't have kill commands, I'm the one that shot you with my silenced M4A1.

    Also no proof and wild speculation.
