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Everything posted by Verril1

  1. Verril1

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Betrayed by my real life friend.
  2. Verril1

    Why do you need two main weapons?

    No idea, normally uses cz 550 for long range and as a binocular, and uses 1911 for close combat and eliminating infected.
  3. You don't, its called faith, faith that he believe will turn for the better.
  4. Verril1

    First impression: This sucks.

    DAYZ is what you call a simulation game, it is meant to be real, therefore like eating, drinking, healing, etc is "boring". If you come here to just shoot everything on sight try Left 4 Dead. From your information you basically need to practice being patient, and stop being whinnie, I certainly didn't when I got chased by 13 zeds on my first spawn. then getting killed by another player. And stop complaining about the map, its 225 km2 of land you could explore, and yet you say this map suck because you can't enter a building?
  5. Verril1

    Your rules for shoot on sight

    I will only shoot when being shot at, no matter what I have on me.
  6. AKM has an audio range of 150m, Lee enfield 234m and M14 180m, meaning they will attract alot of zombies. Automatic weapons on the other hand can be silenced, if not then they are still quiet, most at 80m audible range. More reason? Because everyone has a different preferences, there is a reason why there is so many weapons to choose from, and that's for you to choose you which suits you best.
  7. Verril1

    Lethal trees

    I believe the movie is called "the knowing" a British-American sci-fi movie made in 2009.
  8. I'm a lone wolf, meaning no backup or reinforcement if things get heated, I would always choose retreat and would melt away if they try to follow me, I'm also a pacifist, meaning I think its wrong to kill anyone, I also won't help anyone I don't know and won't accept help unless I'm almost dead.
  9. Verril1

    Most enjoyable part of DayZ

    The most enjoyable thing is watching others with my scoped cz-550, looking at what they're doing and stalking them and see how long until they realize I'm tailgating them
  10. Verril1

    Female characters.

    Same as I would with males, surprised to know some are actually men thinking other pathetic players will give them supplies for free because they have female skin.
  11. First off, this is a zombie outbreak simulator, not a Left 4 dead copycat, we don't go around killing every zombie in sight and wasting ammunition in return for few soda cans. the trick is to use stealth like in splinter cell games. observe surrounding, observe them, plan mentally, make different plans, be efficient and fast. with this I could survive for a week with the Makarov and two clips. Secondly, it is their strategy to get supplies off from you instead of roaming, again if they can't see you, they can't kill you. Oh yes the players breaking their bone, no they won't with just their own weight, but with gear... Primary: ak-74--4kg ammo--237 grams per clip fully loaded Secondary:1911--1.1kg ammo:100grams per fully loaded per magazine Pack: Water, food, tools, medicine, flares etc, etc--5-9kg As you were saying?
  12. What is the fun in that? whats the fun in meeting up with your friend after he choose the same spawning point or says "hey I'm at the fifth spawn position, should be 3 spawn position south of you."? Its part of the atmosphere dayz is trying to create, you in an unforgiving country. I once tried to find my friend on an server for an hour and just loved how I need to rationalize and make guesses according to information I currently know.
  13. Verril1

    Looking for 1-2 survivors

    What forms of communications are offered?
  14. Verril1

    Mountain Dew

    Same as coke or soda, except much rarer. so use it as you would with any other drinks found in-game
  15. Verril1

    Why do you people do these things?

    Because it is a method to play, it's certainly more exciting than gathering your own supplies, as my friend always say, "why do it yourself when others will do it for you?" meaning why go around searching when you could just kill people with supplies.He is a bandit and is making far better progress than me.
  16. Never give up as long as there is even the smallest chance to survive.
  17. Preventing deathmatching is unthinkable, its taking out a mian porportion of the gamelay. I personally love the tension when seeing another player and playing hide and seek with guns, or I when have to be more stealthier to avoid zombies and bandits alike in big towns.
  18. Verril1

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    I agree, he needs to punctuate and fix his grammar errors.
  19. Verril1

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    That is a good strategy but you make the decision, you can do that and survive for months or go out, explore and raid buildings and get excited everytime you get something rare.
  20. Verril1

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    I'm referring to War-z, not dayz, and they did say their "normal" server won't have perma-death. anyway, how am I screwing anything if I'm a lone wolf? That's why I like about dayz, realism, you need to worry about every moment and that's what I want, not something you start of with all your stuff again and again, it ruins the atmosphere that dayz have.
  21. Verril1

    Possabilities for Zed Spawning

    I disagree, let's face it, there will always be people (my Dad)who think camping in the woods during a zombie outbreak will keep them safe. I'm not saying alot, but maybe occasionally one or two?
  22. Verril1

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    No, Rocket would not have created something like that, achievements, missions, buying weapons, no perma-death and GOLD COINS? and something about the pictures on different forums make me think its going to be something like Left 4 Dead. Sure I give them credit for trying their hardest. but I don't want a WoW with zombies. Close, but no cigar.
  23. Pretty much the same happened to me on my second life, now I normally stay away from big township and always do tours around the coastal areas, killing friendlies and bandits alike.
  24. Make sure they're really hacking, if not then don't, they deserve the loot because they've outsmarted you. Again only force quit when you are sure.