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About robin-hood

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  1. I died yesterday, I never checked the change logs or forums or anything for this patch so I wasn't expecting the zombies to actually be challenging. Got back to beach, took me 2 respawns (in about 20 mins) to work out what I needed to do. Within 2 hours I'm stocked up with an M16, Alice Pack, near full set of accessories (map, compass, watch, hatchet blah blah) big stack of cooked meat and canteens, a bunch of ammo and headed off to restart my adventure. Is it seriously brutal now? Oh absolutely yes. But it IS the zombie apocalypse, you can't expect it to be a walk in the park. Anyway people need to stop whining and rage quitting and just think for a moment. People seriously under estimate how useful things like tin cans and smoke grenades to distract zombies are now. Anyway keep playing like a beanie, keep rage quitting and crying. When the amount of armed players halves in a day it just makes it easier for the smart people.
  2. robin-hood

    v1.7.1 has honestly ruined it.

    I liked the patch, it's perfect. I spawned in yesterday at NW Airfield with my silenced M4, Coyote Pack, 11 mags, GPS, the works. Got pwned 'cause I wasn't expecting zombies to be a challenge. Back to the coast, die the first couple tries then I just work out how not to suck and out smart them. Use stealth, distractions etc. In the matter of a couple hours I'm fully armed, M16, Alice pack, Map, Compass, binos, blood bags, food, canteens, etc. Just think smart and don't play like a moron. I actually love it, all the scrubs rage quit and cry and people like me reap the benefits. Everything's easy pickings now with so many defenceless players.
  3. YES But only as long as it's very subtle, and not like SCREEN GOES DARK HEART BEAT LOUD ALL YOU CAN HEAR kinda thing. For the reason the guy above me stated. Perhaps if you have huge negative humanity you don't hear it, that would mean it wouldnt have a negative effect on bandit groups. But also it would be like blokes fit in with rough blokes and don't notice the little things, but someone else would notice the subtleties in attitude and what not.
  4. robin-hood

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    There will always be crying carebears. Generally the majority of people should be ignored with extreme prejudice if you want to actually get anywhere & not ruin the product. Just look at the Battlefield series, absolutely destroyed because DICE listened to the majority whiners on the forums. This community is one of the less retarded from what I've seen. I've actually been quite impressed. Sure there are a lot of carebear QQers but that's kind of a given. The hardcore OFP/Arma guys who have come over are balancing them out to some degree.
  5. robin-hood

    Some inspiration from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    I DESPISE the mutants and anomalies and all that crap. I couldn't disagree more.
  6. robin-hood

    Change the Spawn Points!!!

    Dear god that's a horrendous idea. Spawning in cities would just make it worse. And if the first thing you do is go right into cherno or elektro then quite frankly your a fool and you deserve to be shot.
  7. robin-hood

    Sirisma's Compiled Mod Suggestion List

    It's easy as piss mate. Concrete/Road/Sidewalk Screw driver Knife You can even do it with a spoon, using the knife method. You just have to use a bit of brute force & ignorance.
  8. robin-hood

    Looking for ppl to play with

    21cw.net We are a BF3 community but we have a nice group of Day-Z players as well as a big TS3. I'm hoping if we get enough people we can convince the community to put up a DayZ server too.
  9. My apologies, I should have checked. I think that just goes to show how much people want it, the response on reddit has been very positive (that could be for various reasons though) but I'd like to point out there's a reason I call it a 'fix' not a 'mod', because currently the indoor movement is broken. Maybe other people disagree, which is fair enough. But if that's the case I'd emplore you to watch this short youtube video and then consider the fact these are hobbyists and not trained professionals. Or, you could just walk around your house with a broom handle and see for yourself. It's not hard to do, therefore it shouldn't be hard in Arma II. This mod is a very simple way of fixing that, requiring minimal effort on the DayZ teams behalf. Therefore I think it's a good idea.
  10. As the title says, I'd love to see these added. They increase the playability level of the game by a vast amount, they make manoeuvring around buildings so very much easier. I think it would be a fantastic improvement seeing as due to the basic mechanic of DayZ you have to spend a lot of time in and around towns and buildings (for loot), this would make the whole process more playable and enjoyable. Currently movement around buildings is ridiculously glitchy, you get caught up in doorways and corridors and what not, it's really flawed. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?109628-ShackTac-Movement-addons&p=1782316#post1782316
  11. robin-hood

    IF this was an actual game...

    So much no! Awful, awful engine.
  12. robin-hood

    Chernarus Free Zone Established[Norway 1]

    As I said on reddit, I like the general direction of the idea. But this is absolutely terrible implementation. You're going to get ruined by anyone with any sense because you're being a douche about it trying to privatise a good place for loot.
  13. robin-hood

    Why dont we just take a city?

    I really think there should be a solution for a sort of 'teamwork only' server. Where you can actually build a 'survivor community' like some post apocalypse movie where they always have a 'safe haven town' somewhere. Work together on arming up and fixing vehicles and stuff, eventually you could fortify a whole location and run ops out to scavenge and fight the undead horde in helicopters and trucks and what not. I think that would be really awesome, but with even a few bandits on a pub server it will just get destroyed. My first idea was that you could run a passworded server, however your character would ONLY be saved for that server, and only available on that server. That way you can't cheat or dupe at all to get an advantage on others. Then if a large community like tactical gamer, 21cw, shacktac or whoever want to run a game for their community they can as well.