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About scourg3

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  1. scourg3

    Hackers Camp

    So I log in the other day to continue where I left off. I check the map and see that someone has marked a very South-West location (almost off the map) with "lots of guns ammo here". I realise that this must be a spot where hackers have placed lots of supply boxes, so I decide to investigate the location that was 8km away from where I was. After a long journey I finally reach the top of a hill overlooking this "camp", and what do I see? About sixteen tents. I make my way over to the tents and begin looking through them, only three of them have gear inside them which was mainly a few sniper rifles, some ammo and a AS50 TWS. I know that this small camp was hacked in, and that I'm guessing that the hackers (or other useless players) have already taken most of the gear and ended up dying with it. I didn't take any of the gear. I am just annoyed that these hackers are ruining DayZ by flooding servers with an over abundance of hacked in weapons, which almost removes the whole scavenging and looting aspect of the game.
  2. I don't know if it's just me, but I am always finding players "hidden" camps. Walking around in the woods outside of Cherno, oh look! Three tents "hidden" behind some trees. Travelling across the land, finally reach the top of a massive mountain, oh goody! Two vehicles with weapons, ammo, food and drink. Randomly wandering the forest somewhere in the East, oh yay! A tent "hidden" in some bushes with the usual gear. Thanks for the G17 mags! Leaving the NW Airfield after acquiring a M107, oh for gods sake! Why did you think hiding your tent beside a tent in the middle of the field was a good idea? Thanks for the cooked meat though! Are people just complete idiots and are completely incompetent at making hidden camps? Or what? Because I don't understand...
  3. scourg3

    Bye Bye Truck

    So I log on and continue from where I left off. I run up the hill behind me and end up finding a truck. Wondering why someone would park a truck this close to Cherno (the hill just north of Cherno), I slowly crawl towards it checking my surroundings for movement. I reach the truck and check it's gear. I find a few nice weapons, food, drink, wire fence kits and other junk. But the thing that catches my eye was the 10 Satchel Charges. I then take and place each Satchel Charge one by one around the truck. After placing the last one, I set it on a 30 second timer and head for the hills. Half a minute later I hear a massive explosion and see a few trees fall down. Whoever was the owner of that truck, I'm sorry, but that was too much fun.
  4. When I was just understanding how to survive and find good gear, I would still often get sniped randomly by a hidden Bandit on the hills. I used to think "Why? Why shoot a random survivor who doesn't know where you are? You wont even bother going to my body to see what I had! Why bother wasting the ammo?!"... But now I have a DMR with 8 mags, and I can understand why Bandits will just snipe from the hills for fun.
  5. A few things have been happening lately and I need to know what exactly is going on. 1. I was on a server that had at least 5 players with the clan-tag (AA), I didn't think much of it other than hoping I didn't come across them. I logged off after a while and then went back onto the same server sometime later. I decided to search Elektro for some supplies and ended up stunned at what I found. Out of all the loot-able buildings in Northern Elektro I found a total of around 10-20 Czech Backpacks, 5-10 Alice backpacks, 2 Coyote backpacks and a few Tents. Now what I really want to know is whether or not all this gear was hacked in, or if it actually legitimately spawned there. 2. When going back onto a server to play some more, I keep spawning at the coast with all my gear. That's all I can remember at the moment. If someone could kindly explain what is happening/happened it would be greatly appreciated.
  6. scourg3

    Random Death

    The AS50 is possible, I might start testing gun shot sound distances in the ArmA2 OA editing. But I don't think it was a silenced weapon, it would of had to have been close range and multiple shots to do that much damage, and I would of heard it.
  7. scourg3

    Random Death

    It's happened before too. I was running around between buildings trying to lose a zombie, and I randomly dropped from 12,000 blood to 5,000, and then again from 5,000 to -3,000. I could of been shot, but yet again there was no noise.
  8. scourg3

    Random Death

    It was just me that died, the in-game messages didn't mention any other deaths.
  9. scourg3

    Random Death

    I don't understand how I died. It was night time and I had recently re-spawned near Elektro and started to make my way inside I find the School House and spot a dead survivor in the middle of the lower floor. Just as I am about to reach him and have a look at his gear, I hear a shot and a bullet impact near his body. Now I know I wont be able to loot the body without getting shot, so I slowly move to a side door of the building and peer out. On top of the building directly south of the School House I see the outline of a player holding a weapon. I realize that he must of been the bandit that shot the survivor that was inside the School House. I then decide to retreat behind some northern buildings and make my way around the east side of Elektro to reach the building the bandit is on. Suddenly, I die for no reason, just like that. 12,000 blood gone in an instant. I heard no shot, no loud noises, no quiet noises, nothing at all that could of been a gunshot. I was also inside a building with no way possible of being seen from the outside, and I was the only person inside. I had no zombies chasing me, and my ping was also about 50. So what the hell killed me?
  10. scourg3

    Whoever killed me, thank you.

    This is the first DMR I have found, and I wanted a weapon I could use in the sunlight without blinding myself.
  11. scourg3

    Whoever killed me, thank you.

    No not really, would you?
  12. A while ago after dying again from bandit snipers I decided to kill just because I can. I re-spawned outside of Elektro, went straight to the Northern Fire Station beside the Power Station, went inside and found an M16 with a few Mags. I then went into the Market inside Elektro, got some goods from there, and as I made my way out I saw another survivor on top of the School House (I think that's what it is), and headed into it. After going inside and up the stairs, I got to the roof outside but could not find him. Instead I see another survivor heading towards the Market. I watch him down the sights of my M16, and as he tries to get inside the Market I unload 3 bursts into him. He dies. Then in the chat some guy says "Who ever is shooting, why don't you come and find me?", so I see this as a challenge and proceed to fully explore the School House. I then find him inside a far room on the 2nd floor, he runs at me with his axe and I unload 4 bursts into his face. After looting both of their dead bodies I loot what I can from the rest of Elektro and log out. And what have I learnt? Being a Bandit is fun in a really sadistic way.
  13. Sometimes death is good! I was around Guglovo using prone to sneak past zombies, and as I was just about to enter the town I was shot in the back twice by a bandit. The only thing I was really disappointed about losing was the 24 slot Coyote Backpack I had. So I then re-spawned outside of Cherno, quickly ran in to find some basic supplies but ended up finding a dead survivor. This guy had an M4A1 CCO with 3 STANAG SD Mags, a Revolver with 4 Mags, lots of useful equipment and an Alice pack filled to the brim with soda cans and canned food. After looting all this good loot (thank you whoever you are for dying in such a obvious place), I then ran into the forest and headed North. On my way North I saw a weird shape over a hill in front of me, I then found out that it was a Helicopter Crash Site. At the Crash Site I found a couple of nice weapons (Bizon SD, L85A2 AWS and a DMR), but only the DMR took my fancy. After looting what I could I then ran off into the forest quite happy with myself. So thank you bandit for killing me, if you had not of killed me I would not have found that dead body with tonnes of loot, and the Helicopter Crash Site. Thank you very much :)