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About Hyd

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. What you need, is a fleshlight. The ultimate survival tool.
  2. Hyd

    Kill or Be Killed

    This was some very interesting information. Thank you!
  3. Hyd

    New Locations (Standalone DayZ)

    Are you serious? Are you serious?
  4. Hyd

    Better grass

    Hi, I don't think of you're suggestion at all. It would make it more unrealstic, you are well hidden in the grass as it is. And also the grass falling down makes it easier to spot moving players, which is a really nice thing, because thats how it is in real life. It work as intended. You just need to learn the basics first.
  5. I think most people would find it more fun to shoot a guy with his hands up. This will not work, I guess you're new to this game? If walking unarmed up to a player talking to them through a microphone with your own human voice don't help for one shit, then putting you're arms up most certainly wont. Edit: Also as said above, use the search function before you post. It will make you look more smart! :) Have a good day!
  6. Hyd

    Evolution of the game

    I think this would be a natural step, but the mod is as we all know, still in Alpha. The developers have little or no support doing this, but hopefully that will change. When they get more support to develop, I think more actions getting the game more teamplay friendly will be done. As of today it's very difficult to encourage other players to trust you and play with you, players you meet in game i mean. With friends you know from outside the game its more easy, but thats not for everyone, in fact the vast minority it seems. I see mostly solo players in DayZ. We need more incentiv to teamplay, which hopefully will come later on. For now we just have to try harder with what we have.. Myself for instance takes the whole game less seriously. I run around not caring to much about farming gear, things come along when i move along.. I try to seek out players for some fun. Sure, I die and lose alot of gear, but so what? It's more exciting, especially when I find a trustworthy player, then it's super awesome! :) Main step to achieve this is not to give a shit about you're gear.. I don't make the game about "phat lootz" or whatever you guys call it. Edit: Should have added a final sentence or two. Make the game about having fun with other players, atleast some of the time. Be it running around in the forest saying crazy shit over voicechat, trolling other players with some fun stuff. Or maybe hunt another team, atleast you would do it together.
  7. Hyd

    m1911 and revolver nerfed?

    All the weapons have been subjected to nerfing. The Makarov is now even worse off.
  8. Hyd

    Trading MNT DEW for...

    Nice dude, I have AS50 + Ammo for you in change for some lovely dew.
  9. Hyd

    No female zombies?

    You don't in Russia, they're to tierd after the beating they just got.
  10. Hehe, it's like a safe haven out there.. Best place to get some nice supplies. Guess I'll be seeing you there for some fun.
  11. But what if a noob player found this, he would pick up some nice stuff from these crates for sure.. I know I would, how can this be a reason for ban? For the guy posting here the choice is obvious.
  12. There are places to go in the east aswell.... Even an airstrip, Berzino is a major city for instance.
  13. Hyd


    You don't think this has been postet many times before on this forum? I know you're trying to help, but I would recommend reading the forum guidelines.
  14. Hyd

    The Night Hunt

    I can tell you my story, one of the first nights I played I was actually a bit frustrated after losing some nice gear. Revenge on the innocent was my idea. So I spawned, ran through the nereast town and found myself an enfield and som other handy stuff like flares, chemlights, matches and wood(haha). Then I sat out, lighting up fires, throwing flares and everything that could make some light to attract some players. Then I heard gunshots. Some moments later I see two people running toward the lights along a railway in crouch mode. One in front with a hatchet and the other behind with a rifle of some sort, guess it was to kill zombies quietly if they aggro any. I started to sneak up on them to get in position with my enfield to kill'em as they came closer. By accident I aggroed a zombie, I had to run to get them of me, big mistake... I aggroed even more zombies, I could not just turn around and shoot them because that would alert they guys closing in on my position.. After a few seconds with running I had many more zeds after me and I saw no choice to run toward the guys I planned to kill. I did not hope for any help, but maybe some of the zombies would aggro on them instead. What happend was that they just laid down and watched me get eaten alive by the zombie hoard, haha! Don't what they felt, but it most have been a funny sight that late night, haha.. No more night hunting for me since then.