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Posts posted by RadienFire

  1. Alpha.


    Dean has stated many times "Don't buy this game."


    I made it to Vybor with a ton of supplies running alone before I passed out. It's NOT unplayable by any means.


    I am aware that it is in Alpha. I'm pointing out a thing they need to improve on. thus the whole point of games going through Alpha and Beta testing.


    Also playing as a group it is unplayable, because by the time you meet up you've already used up most of your short time before passing out due to nagging.

  2. So me and a few of my buddies just played the DayZ standalone for the first time.


    Problems that we found are:


    Your player gets critically hungry/thristy far too quick, after meeting up we tried heading north to find loot (all the cost had been ravaged by others) we couldn't even make it to the next town up from balota before we had people passing out due to hunger and thirst.


    Too many items need other harder to find items to use them.  by this I mean simple things such as can openers. we found loads of food, but we couldn't eat any of it. due to the fact that can openers seemed to be the rarest type of loot on earth. I like the idea of having to use things to get into cans but give me a can and a knife and i can get into that bad boy... hell even the pen i found could of granted me access to my can of sardines. hammers/screw drivers/spanners a number of items which could be used to batter open a can of spaghetti. but to my knowledge only can openers do the job.


    even after eating and drinking all the available food to us, within second the dialog was coming up "i'm hungry" "i'm thirsty" "my head hurts" "my stomachs growling" "my feet hurt" I feel like the game is nagging me to death. 


    Basically I think you need to increase the timers on the hunger and thirst... to a few hours or something, not a few seconds.


    please sort this out as currently it kinda makes it unplayable



  3. Coming across as a bit rude. :/ I don't think this is bias. I wish that the hive wouldn't be deleted, but I think sooner or later this community will want this to happen.

    it is bias, your options are

    1. delete everything

    2. delete everything that can not be carried on your person

    where is the don't delete anything option?

    you're stopping my voice from being heard by not including an option for those that are happy with the way the game currently is... because you want something to change. bias

  4. this poll is bias... where's the "don't wipe anything" option?

    cry about it all you want but i bet you've found duped tents that you've visited more than once.

    i know/knew of a server that had a broken tent filled with full heli repair parts right next to a spawned heli in the .5 patch. it was like christmas, unlimited heli fun.

    but all my gear was legitimately found in other peoples tents. so i think i've earned the right to keep it until it's legitimately taken away by other players.

    not because a bunch of 12 year olds cried to the devs because "everyone else has better stuff than me"

  5. I Would assume you missed the shot and ran in the opposite direction. Dont get me wrong about that whole topic. But without side channel its hard to tell if someone is friendly or not.

    On the lingor server we play mostly, there is Side enabled and we had alot of friendly player interractions. Just 3 days ago, while we where alone on the server at night time someone joined and after 30 minutes he told us where is at and asked if we could help him. We went there and gave him a blood bag and even had a nice talk with that guy. But in Chernarus isnt this way anymore plus we mostly opperate around "hostile" areas like NWAF and such.

    First we tried to avoid others, if we saw someone we let them pass and waited till they where gone. But we got to often shot that way, because they saw us in the tree´s or for some other random reasons and started firing on us. We learned our lesson: If we dont shoot first, they do. Thats DayZ.

    I Still miss the side chat.

    places such as the NWAF are silly places to be on high population servers.

    here is a break down of my playing styles compared to server population

    20+ server population:

    loot spots visited,

    mostly low trafficked towns/supermarkets/barns/deer stands

    play style,

    super secret ninja sneaky sneaky, never stand and run unless in a dense forest, constantly looking around for movement, diving on the ground for every god damn rabbit that hops out a tree

    10+ server population:

    loot spots visited,

    towns, larger cities, NEAF, millitary bases excluding NWAF, castles

    play style,

    sneaky but only when around traffic hot spots, will run through open field to get to cover. scan tree lines before entering loot spot zones

    -10 server population:

    loot spots visited,

    everywhere and anywhere

    play style,

    run everywhere, constantly being chased by zombie hordes, keeping an eye out for none zombie movement, in and out quick as a flash.

    generally on -10 population servers people aren't out to KoS. so if you do accidentally run into someone and make it clear you're not there to kill them, they won't try to kill you. just don't hang around.

    also your logic is still flawed. if more people took the friendly root of not shooting first in time it will spread and people will realise "hey that guy isn't actually here to kill me, but just here to find some beans" and everybody would be able to skip down the road hand in hand into the sunset.

    • Like 1

  6. I was gettin tired of gettin shot by friendlies, ghosters and what else. Just Yesterday at the southern barracks of the NWAF, when i got into the barracks I was alone, after takin some stuff out of the second room I was heading back to the floor of the barack just to get shot by a server hopper that had just logged in at this very barrack. The worst thing about this game is the community, so basicly I´ll kill everyone on sight. I dont even care anymore if they are unarmed or not because it allready has happened to me, that we let pass someone and just about 3 minutes later we got shot by this "Friendly" that has found a gun somewhere.

    Btw, the Server hoppers name is "Bolt" he is often at the server DE 274. (We where alone before this guy joined, that how I know.)

    Funny thing is I still have right now 13k Humanity.

    your problem is/was that you are/were to trusting of other players. i never ever join up with a random player just because he or she has claimed to be friendly. if at the time of interaction they need help, i go about it very cautiously. but i tend to avoid going with strangers anywhere (something i was taught as a kid ;) )

    also using KoS just because you got annoyed at people for also using KoS doesn't really solve the problem. i've been shot a few times, it is a bit annoying. but it will never break my spirit and turn me into a monster.

    this game is more about manners than surviving. if you corner someone they will get jumpy. if you run into an area they are farming, you will get shot at. just be a gentleman and let them go about their business. you'll find you tend to live a lot longer.

    so far i've had both a 46 day old character and a 38 day old character. both unfortunately extinguished by hackers

  7. Depends on how you define 'survivors'. I spend most of my time in this game roaming the coast, looking for new players and attempting to guide (or drive) them to safety. However, as you can see from my sig, I take great pleasure in removing bandits from this world, and because I frequent the hills overlooking the coastline, I have frequent encounters with them.

    In short, I hunt the people that hunt you. If that makes me the bad guy, then so be it.

    it's a noble sacrifice for a better tomorrow :D

  8. I usually keep every survivor as a threat at first, especially if I see that bandit skin. That's just because I'm playing alone. If it happens to be a friendly one, I'll let him pass. But if he even points his weapon at me, I will open fire.

    This one time I wasn't sure if a guy was about to get cover or just passing trough, so I started shooting. After that, some guy killed us both. Apparently he was friendly.

    I do kill people for their loot at start of a new game (If they happen to have something great). After that it's just self-defence.

    well that's just not very nice, there's plenty of nice loot lying around in those coastal towns. i can usually get geared up to the point i was at within a few hours. i know all the best farming spots for what i need, the optimal routes in and out. and where other players usually tend to be when they come to visit.

    also i tend to find that after each death, i find gear that was better than my previous. but that might just be because my reckless "nothing to loose" attitude upon respawn makes me run into areas i know aren't safe. hell i even found a heli the other day with a tent and all the parts to repair it in. it was fun until my brother broke the heli and my tractor exploded while i was after replacement parts.

  9. so recently while talking to friends about DayZ i keep getting asked the same question:

    "how many people have you killed?"

    now i've been play this game for 6 months now.

    and i can honestly say, I have never killed another living soul (except for zombies).

    now don't get me wrong. i don't just bow down and let other survivors walk all over me.

    if you fire at me i will shoot back. in fact the most fair fire fight i ever had in this game was about 3 days after i got this game and i was still a crap shot (so i died)

    but mostly when i bump into people i tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. move away slowly, and try to show them that i am not after their beans. and we'd all go off on our merry ways, with beans in our pockets still (it used to be 9/10 times this would work, now it's more like 1/10)

    I am proud to say after 6 months of this zombie apocalypse, i have not sunk down to the barbaric level that most of these other survivors have. ahhhh if only the rest of this community was like me, it would be the most friendliest zombie apocalypse there ever was.

    how many of you can also hold you head up high with the pride of not killing your fellow survivors?

    • Like 10

  10. "Hide body" needs to be taken out of this game.

    Think about it in real life terms. What are you going to do, just make a peson's body disappear? Are you going to melt down his gear so nobody else can take it?

    It makes no sense. This game is supposed to be realistic. You can't just make bodies disappear in real life.

    realistically you would try and hide a body in what ever mean you can if you think it will alert others to your position. true you can make someone body just sink into the ground in real life. but do you really think game devs are going to go to the trouble of putting in and animating every possible way to hide a body in real life? sink body into ground is as close as you'll get to burying a person or hiding them in a suitcase.

  11. I play on us servers and if there are better, then I would like to know.

    every other server apart from the us servers... seriously most of the hacking complaints come from us servers. i've been playing since march and i've only ever met 2 hackers (the first time they killed my 48 day old char, second time they killed my 36 day old char) but apart from those 2 times i haven't had a single problem.

  12. http://dayzdb.com/map#3.069.106

    map of all the loot spawns.

    not all buildings are enterable.

    you can find guns in:

    supermarkets (the risk varies on where the super market is)

    fire stations (very high risk of death i suggest you avoid these)

    apartment blocks (once again the risk varies)

    military camps (high risk)

    barns (low to medium risk)

    deer stands (low risk)

    that map lets you select the type of buildings you are after

    as for being chased by zombies. sneaky sneaky, they'll see you they'll hear you and they'll sure as hell smell your urine stained pants. go slowly crawl if they get too close, dive behind cover if they look your way. and run like usain bolt if they see you. use trees and sharp corner to loose them.

    usually if i'm in a hurry to loot a place surrounded by zombies i'd aggro them all lap a few builds to drag them away give them the slip (shaun of the dead style) get what i need and then get out of there before they come knocking on the back door.

  13. Dying and losing your gear legitimately is something u shouldn't whine about, but when u die becuz of bug/glitch/hacker, it does make u mad.

    i had a 47 day old character that got killed by a hacker, i unfortunately didn't have the warning of a teleport (he snook up behind us invisible and popped me in the back of the head) i didn't get mad. just laugh it off and carry on.

    the main reason most of these people hack is because they like to get people mad. and everytime it works. i bet a lot of them just browse these forums laughing at all these idiots raging because they died in a game and lost something that they were going to loose eventually anyway.

  14. yeh seriously, you are crying about loosing your stuff.... it happens, that's the whole point of the game. if not by hackers you probably just would of ended up being player killed or eaten by zombies. deal with it and move on.

    also if you think warz isn't going to have any hackers... well you probably should quit playing pc games right now, because you're going to have a real shock. go back to playing on your consoles.

    also Alt-F4 if you ever get teleported anywhere. only time it's ok.

  15. i've made it to 47 days. pretty much just running from town to town looting. spent a lot of time in the woods, visited devils castle a few times and found no one there. nw airfield danger zone? pfft. only ever encountered one other person there.

    get off the coast and you'll have a long and fulfilled life. that is until the hackers tele you.

    oh also low player count servers help.

  16. seriously guys, we get it.

    there are hackers/script kiddies w/e

    we all know about them.

    they are in every game.

    they enjoy your rage. just ignore them, that way you won't feel like your game play is being ruined.

    and please for the love of god actually read this thread before posting

    if you have come to report hacking THIS LINK WILL TAKE YOU TO THE CHEAT REPORTING BOARD

    also for bug reporting and glitches go here

    technical help go here

    you are all flooding this bored with the same old threads that actually have their own boards that they belong in.

    open you eyes and actually read things, look around before posting.

    it's like the majority of you have never used forums before

    also if you're here to express your hatred dislike for this mod and announce you will no longer be playing... just leave. we don't care that you can't hack the heat.

    THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA, IT HAS A LOT OF BUGS AND GLITCHES. if you don't understand this you shouldn't be playing in the first place.
