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Everything posted by RadienFire

  1. RadienFire

    The only thing that can save the mod

    that is the most god awful idea i have ever heard. havingg to "apply" for permission to join a server from an external website. because i want to have to plan a week in advanced as to which servers i want to play on and at what time i'm going to be playing (to make sure the server is at the right time of day) not only that but you are going to be refused from servers for the pure reason that the server owners don't like you. or you kill them. there is no way of knowing in advanced who wil or will not hack. i've ran a few different competitive teams in various games, and yes every know and then a member would turn to hacks for no reason (i did kick them out the second i spotted it) but the only real way to deal with hackers is to spot them get their names and report them (preferably with some sort of evidence) this current spree of hackers will start to die down in the next few weeks now the summer sale is over with. but the anti-cheat does everything it can do to keep up with the hackers. and it does it more or less fairly. yeh there are a few mistakes here and there. but it'll all get better in the future. also i fail to see how you have any relevance to the current situation if you don't play. i've been playing for 2 months now and only encountered one hacker. it all depends on what servers you go on. i mainly stick to the low player count servers (<15) while they are in the early hours of the morning (just enough light to start being able to see again) and i don't have nearly any of these problems most people cry about. it's survival... the first highly populated server you own is going to be full of idiots. be smart with your choice of server.
  2. RadienFire

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Those darn hackers. the first one i came across killed my 47 day old character. am i angry? no, just a little annoyed. am i going to cry and stop playing the game while screaming there's not enough done to stop hacker? no i have played pc fps games for a long while now. and if there's one thing i've learned, it's that the hackers are always one step ahead. they will find a way around every possible block you put in front of them. and then they'll sell it to all these little angry white kids that want the game to be like CoD. they lap up your delicious tears. the anger and rage you express towards them fuels their hunger for more attention. the hacker that killed me only managed it because he was invisible and sneaked up on us, the second my body dropped and the group was alerted to his presence he couldn't get a kill on the rest of the group.
  3. RadienFire

    Mountain Dew

    the guy you took it off didn't have much luck then
  4. RadienFire

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    after scanning through ops post, key point 17 years old can't play a single game without cheating lost stuff swimming got mad got hacks got banned cheat codes for gta are put in by the devs to add a little fun. hacks are just there for young kiddies that have no skill and want to pretend they are good at something.
  5. RadienFire

    No more camo/ghillie suits???

    didn't they take them out while they fix the whole getting teleported to the middle of the ocean thing. i put camo on the other day and almost damn died from that bug. lost all my stuff.
  6. RadienFire

    DayZ Stories

    i guess i'll post this here instead of making a new thread, So me and my bro had/have 40+ day old characters, we've survived a lot together, rampant hordes of zombies while trapped in the military tents in stary (the only gun i had sounded like an artillery gun when fired, so every zombie i had to kill just attracted 10 more) a few encounters with other people (by a few i mean about 3, every time we were fired upon) the epic bugs and glitches of the game (camo got me teleported to the sea of the damned, lost all my stuff but managed to keep my life and sanity, it was a very long and cold swim to the coastline) we mostly played on servers that were in the early hours of the morning, which might be a reason for our survival. any way, my 40+ day spree came to an end today ='[ it was a normal day in chernarus. we had ventured into a mid-day server as we were playing earlier than usual (all our servers were still to dark to play) the sun was blazing down on our backs as we took in the beautiful views and scenery as we headed forth to raid another town on our way back to the NE airfield. so far everything was going to plan (apart from a laggy server) *server switch* so anyway we looted a few places and carried on our path. few dead zombies here, few empty cans there. we eventually got to the outskirts of Krasnostav and thought we'd try our luck for a tent in the super market. (i lost mine when i was taken to the sea of the damned) we slowly approached, checking high and low for the living living while cautiously avoiding the living dead. everything seemed to be going smoothly. we got to the first lootable building on our root through the town... empty tin cans ¬.¬ empty whisky (one day i'll find a full bottle) our age old friend server lag comes and pays us a visit so we have a little scuffle with a few zombies that spotted our defenceless laggy bodies. after putting them to rest we slowly made our way through the town. puting down those zombies that came a bit to close. finally we reached the super market, where things would change. we checked around, no one was about. so we entered the super market, swept the rooms closed the doors and got to work checking the loot. no tent (no surprise there) anywaay, the usual supermarket loot was there, bandages, painkillers, ammo for weapons we don't have tin cans ect. we were just getting ready to leave. my bro was just grabbing a bandage when all of a sudden *pop pop pop* i drop to the ground ***you are dead*** (been awhile since i saw that screen) i quickly informed my brother of the uninvited guest that just greeted me. and they both fell into a stand off in the super market. my bro kept getting hit but did not get killed. but he couldn't see the guy shooting him. so i re spawn and make haist to meet up with my brother and help deal with this troubled youth. i'm charging a long the coast with my torch and bandage in hand. ready blind any zombie or player that dares get's in my way. my bro's giving me status reports on the stand off as i get nearer and nearer. he makes it out the super market a short way before he starts getting fired upon again. yet again this mysterious gunman can not be spotted. my bro get's to the tree line and discovers an ATV "haha i've just got on his ATV" we both laugh at the cruel hand karma has just dealt our new friend. we agree upon a meet up point. as we both reach our meet up point (and my bro flips the ATV ¬.¬) all of a sudden we start hearing gunfire whiz around us (bearing in mind there was only 7 people on this server, and we were being fired upon by the same sounding silenced gun as what was being used against us in the supermarket) we panic slightly *waves arms in the air and runs in circles* thanks to my coastal jog i have a massive herd of flesh eating minions behind me. i decide that they'll do a lot more damage to our friend than my torch or bandage could ever dream of. at this point i have lost sight of my bro. after running around a bit and seeing the fallen bodies of my zombie army i can't seem to see our gunman anywhere. so i give the zombie army the slip (shaun of the dead style) and go to meet my brother in a dock yard hanger. he's already inside. as i run around the corner i see something that stunned me. a row of vehicles parked down the docks. ATVs, Helis and the like. i run in the hanger telling my brother what i saw. our new friend was a hacker... and he was frantically spawning vehicles to try and draw us out. needless to say we disconnected from the server. unfortunately we did not get his name. as *we think* he had made himself invisible. my bro said at one point after he escaped the super market, he id in a tree. he heard a person walking past only a meter or so away. but yet could not see anyone. also on reflection we came to the conclusion the guy had teleported from the supermarket to where me and my brother met. (no one can run that far and keep up with a vehicle) he started firing almost as soon as my bro crashed the ATV. now don't get me wrong' my character had taken a lot of bashing from the patches and updates and was bugged out seriously bad. it's done me a favour to start again with a fresh character. i just wish my old one could have ended in a more fair and dignified way, like maybe being sniped while raiding cherno. or blown up by a crashing heli. but hey it is what it is and i got death by 1337 h4x0r. the best part is, despite all his best efforts. this hacker was terrible. even with his invisibility, he could not kill a person that was alerted to his presence. he could of easily just walked in and killed my bro in the super market. we figured the first ATV was a trap like the ones outside the hanger, he expected my bro to jump straight he fired just as my bro hit the deck to check it out. he didn't even hit my bro or the ATV once as he escaped. he didn't hit any of us while we were flailing about at our meet up spot. so yeh, not only did i get H4x0r3d to death. but it was by a h4x0r that relied on the pure element of surprise and a shift quick bullet to the back of the skull. Ah well. onwards and upwards i suppose. i realise this is a lot of text. but i'm bored and was looking for something to do. so if you read through it, i hope you enjoyed my untimely death TL:DR 40+ day old character killed by hacker