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Everything posted by stoddard.carl@yahoo.com

  1. stoddard.carl@yahoo.com

    Vocal Emotes DayZ Standalone Suggestion

    I was remembering good old game titles. This idea came to me from the game Starseige tribes. They had a basic vocal emote system, but it was the bomb to use. This led me to think of a suggestion for Dayz that would increase the humanity/connectivity towards other players. Vocal emotes The idea is, you hold a "bound" key to bring up a pop up window in your HUD. That gives you a list of emotes to click on. And the lists of emotes are setup into sections titled along the lines of "Yell,say,whisper" you would click on one of those three, then a new window would pop up with a list of things your character could say through the game volume unlike normal mics going on VOIP. I also should add, these emotes would be short and sweet. for instance. "hello?" "shhh" "GET DOWN" "SNIPER" not a 30 second banter about a stupid joke. After you select your emote of your choice. Lets say "say" "water here" you automaticly type 'water over here" in direct chat, while your character verbally speaks the words "water over here" Along with whisper could be in direct chat also. However "Yell" would have to be made into a seperate chat dialog, as if you were to yell, you could hear it 300yards away. Lets say your character walks into a building at night, and you hear footsteps. and Lets say the "P" key is your emote key. So you hit P and then click whisper. After hitting whisper, you click "Is anyone there?" Your character whisper "Is anyone there?" in the game volume and it would be typed in the direct chat. And the other player could whisper "nope" On top of this, if we were able to change individual voice tone with the arma's option. That would be awesome, instead of having the same generic tone for everyone. This entire idea is to help when people have internet connections,voip/mic problems,not having a mic. And it adds a more human aspect. One thing I hate the most is yelling at someone over my mic are they friendly/what is their name. And I was so caught up in the action. That I never checked the chat box.."Dont shoot bro i'm new!" A lone surviver killed because I couldnt hear them.... Emotes could have saved that poor soul. The idea behind this, is that it is entirely vocal so... No I am not asking for /dance or /chicken or /violin Thats just /silly...
  2. stoddard.carl@yahoo.com

    Vocal Emotes DayZ Standalone Suggestion

    Also I'd like to add. Just try to imagine a gun fight inside of a city. It would sound more like a battlefield with everyone yelling "3rd floor!" "Cover me!" "Medic!" and such. I really hope this idea could be possible.
  3. stoddard.carl@yahoo.com

    Most zombie kills you've had

    Currently around 1200ish with ZERO murders - bandit kills. Just your friendly neighorhood Comrade. Higha Mat ._.
  4. stoddard.carl@yahoo.com

    looking for someone who plays at these hours in the US

    Just made an account to post this. I've been playing dayz for about 3 weeks now. i would like to try to form a group of people to play with. However I'm in the same boat as you Nsaine. I work night shift, and the time I play games are around anywhere 1am till 6am except on the weekends because I work 12 hour shifts on sat and sun. I live in GMT -5 or Cental daylight time. I'm not some immature 13 year old. I'm 20 and I wouldn't be looking to play with a immature child. Also, I'm a fan of BF3. I just havn't bought a PC copy yet, as I only recently built my gaming rig. Let me know if you wish to play with someone that looks forward to setting up a camp and maybe repairing a junky car down the line.