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About nihilistmisanthrope

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nihilistmisanthrope

    I am a wolf.

    You get the message. No need to be a jerk.
  2. nihilistmisanthrope

    Starting Gear (Finding a weapon)

    Hi man. Nowadays you start with next to nothing. But once you find one, the hatchet is your friend, it CAN be used as a weapon! You just have to go into your inventory after you pick it up, right click on it, remove from tool belt, now it is in your primary weapon slot. You then need to RELOAD it! Yes, ridiculous, but it's a way for it to be "fired". Don't let the silenced pistol sounds scare you. That is your hatchet's sound. You can kill zombies/players from several feet away. so no need to run into the swing of the zombie. Strike before or after he has taken a swipe. But remember to reload it everytime you take it out of your toolbelt, or else you are zombie meat. The crossbow is practically good for nothing except game hunting for food. Kill animals with a weapon, then use the knife you find in a grocery store, on a player body, etc., to gut the animal. Now you have to cook the food. With the hatchet, go into a forest, be near a tree, and right click on the hatchet in your inventory, gather firewood. Now you can't do jack until you find matches, usually found in a supermarket. Right click on the matches, make fireplace. Then you can use the scroll wheel to cook the meat. It will only cook the meat that is in your inventory, will not touch what is in the backpack, so move the raw meat over to cook it. Once you get that down, you can survive quite easily. Be sure to search the zombie bodies with your gear menu for cans of soda and canned food. This will supplement your cook meat and waterbottles (you can fill those at ponds, but not at the big water (real life Chernarus has a river apparently, but on the map looks like a sea/ocean. You'll find the inland towns at least slightly less risky than coastal towns like Cherno and Elektro. Hit some deer stands, and youll get some weapons/ammo/water/food. Maybe a paid of NVGs. Good luck.