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About Volgus

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Southern California
  1. I already have the mechanics down, somewhat, that's fine. I'm not having troubles with controls at all. I'm just completely lost in terms of where the hell I am. So far I've died twice, the first time I bled out to one zombie bite, and the second I fell off a building (somehow) that I found after running away from zombies and finding different buildings to scavenge through and such. A zombie that happened to be right next to where I landed ate me after breaking my legs from the fall. Had a crowbar and a couple of bandages there too. Learned from that life to never trust the edges of buildings. Or glitchy mechanics.
  2. Like the title says, I got this last night since Arma 2 was on sale yesterday on Steam. I've been curious about playing this game and seeing if its as good as I've been hearing. I get all of the patching/installing done (which took about two hours), and since it was a bit past four in the morning, I decided to get some sleep before playing. Tonight, I load up the game, go on a pretty high populated server from what it looks like. I enter the server, create a character and spawn at a dock (ChernosomethinginRussianthatIhavenoideawhatitsays). Where the hell am I supposed to be going to to actually find some people, or to just get some sort of gear at all? I know that there's supposed to be a lot of walking in this, but I really am just completely lost at this point trying to figure out what's what in this game. If anyone is able to help me out, that'd be much appreciated. Otherwise I'll probably just stop (though I'd hate to do so since I'm not the kind of person that gives up so easily).