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Everything posted by Priceless

  1. Priceless

    Snow Map - Easter Egg - Train (Chernarus)

    Play escape from chernarus and a couple other mods that have the monsters in them currently
  2. Priceless

    Snow Map - Easter Egg - Train (Chernarus)

    There is a mod for a train that runs in chernarus currently for Arma 2 game
  3. Priceless

    Safe zone AWESOME idea! (IMO)

    Fuck no carebear city gtfo
  4. Priceless

    PVE and PVP Servers

    Fuck no carebears :P
  5. Priceless

    US 1340, Hacker in right now

    Checked logs and banned as needed
  6. Priceless

    Why i lag?

    Yea cpu is whats makin u lag....this game is very cpu intensive
  7. Priceless

    Spirit in the sky...

    Get mad, get over it, and move on you can be full geared out in 2 hrs no prob. Just join a server with active admins :)
  8. google.com and check out what the script violation is and email BE you are getting it falsely if thats the case. No one on this forum can help with BE probs.
  9. Priceless

    trading mountain dew for stuff

    Ill give you a pespi for it...same value right? LOL at these peeps who try to get high end stuff for that soda...
  10. I can fix more than half your probs. Do not use six launcher/updater use the Armaholic one. It makes it way easier to use beta, manually update or revert. Why use steam at all? No need while using armaholic. Let me guess liberal? All these people with the "IM ENTITLED" posts make me sick....Alpha phase is for testing and ironing out all these bugs please research how the gaming cycle works.
  11. Priceless


    Consoles cant handle this game and a controller cant either to many binded keys etc when will the xbox fanbois learn....
  12. Priceless

    Graphical Glitches at NW airfield

    Theres like a million posts last patch was suppose to fix this but it didnt. Devs are working to fix asap. Some people can fix by changing video settings/relogging but nothing seems to work for me.
  13. It would help if you spelled words correctly in the poll so i know what you mean in that option...:P
  14. Priceless

    Need consequences for Alt+F4'ing

    Found off a sig site cant remember the one it was under skulls...
  15. Priceless

    Need consequences for Alt+F4'ing

    If I had a nickel for everyone of these QQ posts Id have a lot of nickels....Its a known issue and working towards a fix read devs posts.
  16. Priceless

    Am I a bad person?

    In a realistic situation you tried everything possible to make contact to see if it was a threat. IRL survival skills would take over and its kill or be killed when you judged said dead person a threat.
  17. Priceless

    Bring back the a bandit skin

    Do people Do people even read the patch notes or even test the mod out? Maybe they just post in the forums lol
  18. Priceless

    We Discuss "The WarZ"

    The game is gonna be craptastic check out War Inc thats basically what they are modding it off of. It hasnt been in production for 2 yrs some craptastic zombie shooter was but with the explosion of Dayz they changed it to be more sandbox, but any sandbox game with safezones might as well be carebear adventures read up before spewing rumor garbage.
  19. Priceless

    More WarZ news

    I was hesitant to click post but Im sure glad I did. That was funny shit.
  20. Priceless

    the "night" game

    Try duct taping a flashlight to a weapon in real life then shoot it.....terrible accuracy and flashlight could come loose and knock you the fuck out. I dont like the idea and its not available in the current Arma engine. There are 3 guns that have flashlights attached already get one of them.
  21. Priceless

    What do you guys do?

    Like ours :) US1340
  22. Its alpha we are testing out this mod to get rid of bugs before beta....what is with the I want everything perfect mentality with everyone? Do some research and learn the video game development cycle. Alpha is the phase where devs throw as much stuff into the game as possible and us as testers test it to rid bugs from the massive things they are adding. I think the main issue is the devs arent adding enough things into the game to test because of whiners like you.
  23. Priceless

    DayZ people... do you play ARMA?

    Yep had and played Arma2 way before Dayz