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Everything posted by Priceless

  1. That sir is why I play Dayz
  2. Priceless

    Dayz downgrades itself?

    My server is running
  3. Priceless

    Uhh.... Downloads?

    Get a torrent program or your gonna be stuck with slow ass DL
  4. Priceless

    bring back bandit skins

    30 murders is hardly crazy hehe
  5. ...are you serious? That was an exploit
  6. No Dayz is a mod on ARMA2 OA so if OA doesnt run well the mod on top of it will run about the same.
  7. Priceless

    Outdated Servers?

    If it says outdated why do you still join?
  8. Priceless

    uhhhh... dogs? srsly? u trollin?

    Its in alpha stages which means experimentation stage and bug fixes as they come along. We are testing all the experimentations added to the alpha.
  9. Priceless

    Sorry for killing you.

    I hope you feel better now...
  10. Priceless

    A pleasant suprise

    Yay fun fireside survivor stories
  11. Priceless

    How does helicopter saving work

    1. saves to the loc 2. Hope thats not the real server you found it on...but no it will not change servers its locked to that server you found it on. 3. It stays where u save it it doesnt dissappear
  12. Priceless

    this "update" sucks....

    Haha good one +1
  13. Priceless

    this "update" sucks....

    You had high hopes for this game?? Its a mod..Arma2 is the game. If it sucks so bad you dont have to test this alpha phase.
  14. Priceless

    Are Tents Still Wiping After Update?

    My server the tents are not saving and vehicles dupe everything pre-patch that they had in them
  15. Have to appeal to battleeye there is known situations where it is falsely kicking people.
  16. Priceless

    Back to I guess...

    The graphical glitches were in as well so reverting wont help.
  17. Priceless

    new and full aguipped wtf -.-

    Hmm weird bug but hey it worked in your favor usually its the other way around
  18. Priceless


    I say no you already have a bus and big trucks and cook meat? Just go chop some wood and light a fire takes 10 seconds
  19. Priceless

    Huey Disapear....

    How do you know?
  20. Priceless


  21. Priceless

    weekly wipe dupping tents when i get server

    I wouldnt do it on my server but you pay for it do what you want.
  22. Priceless

    Stuck on loading screen.

    I get in right away to my server...US1340
  23. Priceless

    Best Server Host?

    Dunno about cheapest but usually you get what you pay for. Me and my crew use HostAltitude been really good so far.
  24. Priceless

    Low Zombies on Recruit Difficulty And more

    SIngle player? Just play ARMA2 its really fun :P