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Everything posted by Priceless

  1. Priceless

    A man can dream...

    Maybe you just havent found any players with your playstyle check forums/join voice chat for servers to find friendlies, dont expect to much if you see someone in game and the interaction is with bullets.
  2. Priceless

    'Friendly' bandit

    If he shot first he shouldnt be trusted at all
  3. So you really think the devs are at their desks ignoring this? Grow up
  4. Priceless

    Super Noobsauce :(

    Wow great friend....
  5. Priceless

    Lee Enfield

    Great story can you read me another :)
  6. Priceless


    Helicopters that are in game and usable are hacked atm.
  7. Priceless

    us 504 hosted by pixiekillers

    Why do you post this with absolutely zero proof? /shakes head
  8. Priceless

    Bandits: Law and Order.

    Play GTA much? Dont think a virtual cop is adding to the realism.
  9. Priceless

    whats with the lagg

    Hellacious amount of concurrent players is my guess
  10. Priceless

    You want a currency system?

    There is already sites for bartering/sidetrading
  11. Priceless

    Where to start?

    Stay out of larger cities on coast, use out of game maps, and hit smaller villages inland to gear up.
  12. Priceless

    Clothing and some advantages

    I dont mind this down the road but they really need to work on the duping/alt-f4ing/hacks bugs before implementing these
  13. Priceless

    39000 people playing dayz atm.

    So when I come into your mcdonalds and you take my order and the fry cook undercooks my fries and doesnt put enough salt on them Im gonna tell you to hire a better fry cook...come on now its alpha the dev team are working as hard as they can. Also you do realize out in the wilderness with no outside light sources its dark as fuck. Some nights without moon/stars its hard to see your feet.
  14. Would you feel as bad if you were the one shot dead?
  15. Have you ever played in a sandbox? You can do nothing, make castles, dig, pick your nose etc. The game lets you play how you want if you want your hand held and quest hubs etc sorry this game isnt for you. As far as the exploiting again this is alpha the dev team knows these exploits and are working hard to rid the game of these. Most games dont allow everyone to test alpha consider yourself lucky.
  16. Priceless

    Bandit Skin return

    Do you think it would just be rednecks? Have you watched 28 days later ? Dont hate on the rednecks haha
  17. Priceless

    [ Video ] Funny Momments , the start.

    Funny stuff +1
  18. Priceless

    Another day with no server

    Bad publicity seen a few posts about terrible CS from them
  19. Priceless

    Running DayZ Locally?

  20. Priceless

    what to do with zombies following?

    Run thru buildings or thru forests/bushes
  21. They are butthurt we blew their camp up what care bears.
  22. Priceless

    DayZ Is Full Of Decisions #2

    Nice +1
  23. Priceless

    WTF Is the point now?

    U mad bro? It takes maybe an hr to get well geared maybe less if you have tents stop whining and remember this was an experimental alpha mod they are letting everyone play...maybe you should wait until the standalone version comes out.
  24. Priceless

    people need to learn timezones

    Servers can be reset so they are never dark...
  25. Priceless

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Wow maybe one of those years should have been spent venting that wall of text.