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Everything posted by Priceless

  1. Haha good post any non hacker post is worth it
  2. Priceless

    Respawn Button Limitation

    Nope thats part of the immersion run your lazy ass to ur clanmates
  3. Priceless

    Fucking hackers....

    How do you know it was him?? Stop posting these dumbass hacker posts
  4. Priceless

    Sick of hackers.

    You know what Im sick of??? Double Posters!!!
  5. Priceless

    DayZ how to get an easy AS50

    Wow that was informative
  6. Anythings possible but probably not you just got unlucky.
  7. Priceless

    us1340 Banned for "hacking"?

    As you can see people can ask for a ban lifted and we will usually cooperate unless it has happened more than once, and was said earlier in the post devs have way more things to worry about. All you have to do is run a parse program on the.rpt file on any server and you will see how bad the problem is. Until you are in the admin position please enjoy the mod and hope to find a server that is admin'ed as well as ours :P
  8. Priceless

    us1340 Banned for "hacking"?

    Its my server if you use hacks and hacked weapons or exploits and Rcon parses and catches it I will ban them i dont care who spawned it. When you own and pay for a server you can see fit how to run it then k thanks.
  9. 10 or less and u lose said weapon
  10. Priceless

    weapons and sights.

    Wont work doesnt work in arma engine this has been suggested before.
  11. You did the poll right but the poll sucks achievements are for carebears
  12. Priceless

    Looking for Night server with max people

    Not many if any at all
  13. Your in the wrong game go back to WOW for some content. This is a sandbox game YOU make your own content. Thanks plz leave
  14. Priceless


    Just go forward with w key
  15. Priceless

    Boat Storage

    Greatest boat song ever!!!
  16. Priceless

    Randomly getting amazing gear?

    Its alpha sometimes you get shafted and sometimes you get gifted
  17. Priceless

    I pick up items then, swap server it's gone?

    Long enough for the hive to save your items a couple minutes to be safe
  18. Alt-F4 is an exploit not cheating
  19. Priceless

    Don't Get Attached

    Did that comment take you all day to come up with? Very witty
  20. Priceless

    If battle eye were to..

    Would never happen so im not gonna comment
  21. Priceless

    You guys are gonna think im stupid.

    If you need to go to rent-a-center for a computer maybe you should be payin some other bills instead of renting electronics to play games lol
  22. Priceless

    tent ate our items

    Dont get to attached to anything its alpha you will lose your items its no t if its when. It sucks but thats what testing alpha is all about.
  23. Priceless

    Best Assault Rifle?

    Ill take M14 Aim it uses DMR rounds
  24. Priceless

    Hospital loot spawns

    In the hospital behind the glass