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Everything posted by Priceless

  1. Priceless

    More Vehicles - SUV

    Get the uaz or military offroad..we all dont want to be Jay-Z :P
  2. Priceless

    Arma 2 will not update to build 95883

    Sometimes that menu screen isnt right Ive updated and it said I was still using a previous version but it was wrong
  3. Priceless

    Yes, im stuck on "Loading" screen

    Dunno I get right into my server...
  4. Priceless

    Cheaters die!

    You still have no proof your just throwing a story out there that looks like your whining cause u died and are bad at the game.
  5. Priceless

    Help Please

    Six updater is not good for reverting and auto updates which I hate. I have used Armaholic launcher since before Dayz I think its way better. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8241
  6. Priceless

    3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

    1.The whole sandbox game encourages roleplay...ie play the game how YOU want 2. No no groups its not an mmorpg 3. Global chat was removed awhile back
  7. Priceless

    Spawned in dead

    Try my server I get in right away..
  8. Priceless

    3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

    Hes bitching about the hackers and not being able to learn the game because of them in ARMA2 there are no hackers they are all in Dayz its not about whats more approachable its about which version has less hackers to deal with please read OP before commenting.
  9. Priceless

    Spawned in dead

    I have been killed on login before and by trees, roots, fences, doors, rocks its alpha and shitty things happen move on and hope it doesnt happen again.
  10. Priceless

    Hero Skin Bandits

    Thats pretty low
  11. Priceless

    Another grass/plant file cheat?

    Thats normal I think its to combat the script that took grass,trees,shrubs out of the game.
  12. Priceless

    SixUpdater inaccessible

    I use the armaholic launcher its way better.
  13. Priceless

    Thank god for the Battleeye bans!

    U need to find a server with active admins who parse rpt files daily or yes the servers are full of hackers. We parse our logs 3-4 times daily which usually keeps our server free of hackers for the most part.
  14. Priceless

    Force "killed by" messages

    Yet your dumbass has no proof ie the fraps you talk of to show any of this nonsense u report.
  15. Priceless

    3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

    You didnt buy Dayz moron you bought this whole other military simulation game called ARMA2 that came with a mod that is hugely successful.
  16. Priceless

    3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

    First off learn the game by playing single player ARMA2 the game you bought and not learn in the mod that comes with it. You will thank me later.
  17. Priceless

    Bugs with tents and vehicles

    My server updated to and patch 95883 is NOT saving properly so your lucky...but vehicles still duping items
  18. Priceless

    Cheaters die!

    How the fuck do you know its them?? Accusations are like assholes everyone has them but no one ever has proof please stop with these whiny posts
  19. Priceless

    REALLY long loading times!

    My server I get right in dunno
  20. Its you change something in your filters
  21. Priceless

    Finding Cheaters in Server Logs?

    Just run a parse program for illegal scripts/weapons and ban from there thats all you can do at this point
  22. Priceless

    running up hills

    Just zig zag up them
  23. Priceless

    when is sixupdater gonna get

    When the artifacting is fixed that was the main point of this update
  24. Priceless

    To all server admins

    Run a parse on the .rpt file and ban as needed its that easy why u raging