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About Divvy

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  1. Last I checked it will always return, "killed by unknown cause." But we would be happy if you tested it for us. I have Fraps, so.... ^_^ Think of it for science.
  2. They wouldn't need to kill you all. Just any group seperated from the rest of the crowd. Or even just find a camp you leave undefended for any period of time. Personally I wouldn't waste my time, because a nice empty server is where it's at for the loners. Here's the thing. There's a sniper in Cherno. He kills someone in your group off. Loner(s) find him and kill him to eliminate a shared threat. You find the loner(s) at the site. Do you shoot assuming you found the sniper? How to do you identify your blacklisted bandits? (play only on servers with nameplates on?) You leave an ungaurded vehicle somehwere for a while, it's taken by a loner who has no clue of your ownership are they a bandit? I see a lot of problems really. I have a hard time imagining this not being a "they're not in our clan/teamspeak they must be bandits." I mostly just see motivation to not play on servers I know coalition will frequent.
  3. Divvy

    Going Lone Wolf for now on.

    Looks like they can't own up to the fact they make mistakes but you can. I wouldn't roll with them knowing that. It was a mistake and they weren't willing to let you make up for it. Just don't let them measure up to everyone else out there. Not everyone is cliquetastic.
  4. Bandits will mostly think of this as a challenge or see profit because the risk to reward favors reward more to risk. I'm honestly more interested in how independent individuals (not involved with clans related to the coalition, or rivals (bandits)) will be affected by this. I could see a lot of loners simply avoiding coalition servers because loot will become increasingly stale, vehicles rarer, and increased risk (crossfire between coalition and challengers).
  5. Darn. I'm disappointed to hear that. I would of actually pitched in to help funding if that was an option earlier. I should of watched this thread closer. Well, some fun times were had on 302. Good luck guys. @ Mr Fleshy - which server?
  6. (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐□-□ (⌐□_□) I'm on a boat motherfucker.
  7. Divvy

    Day Z Urban Legends

    The server spirits have blessed only the luckiest with the coveted Mountain Dew. Once obtained you technically won the game.
  8. Understand the terminology. Script kiddies describes highly unskilled and untrained "hackers" that often times don't even discover their own exploits, but simply copy the work documented and given to them by others. Most notably by using copied scripts. Hence the term "script" kiddie. A derogretory term to discredit wannabe/unskilled hackers.
  9. Divvy

    White-hat Hacker?

    White Hat Hackers aren't new. Though it's debatable how much better they are than their counterparts. Personally I'd just chalk your luck up to fortune and roll with it. In general this "white hat" hacker isn't going to fix the problem, and is still a maverick. If anything one could argue he's stepping up the game.
  10. Thanks for disabling that. It was giving me some trouble the other day and made it hard to get my bearings in place by checking the compass and DayZDb.
  11. Divvy

    Open letter to all hackers

    ^@JackFTW - Quick give them beans to feed the trolls with.
  12. Divvy

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    I guess my point is it's actually not that impressive to set up a flank when you're using thermal and have a sight advantage with seemingly no motive (nothing seemed gained other than kills). What was the difference in outfitting between your two groups? And I'll just be sure to be cautious when roaming your servers. Actually now that I think about it the confusing part is "quit the servers after being rammed." You have to quit to respawn so... To me it seems kind of natural that they'd do that, and if they had a 5th they'd want to meet up with him uncontested. Makes sense they'd regroup elsewhere.
  13. Divvy

    U.B.C.S. Recon Team 1

    So... UBCS guys what was the point of this again?
  14. I was in Kemka for some reason. I got me some of the fabled mountain dew to quench my thirst. I walk out of the apartment and notice a bunch of n00bs spawn. I watched them run around like lunatics and die a couple times. Somehow they ended up re-spawning in the same city, so I save on of their sorry asses with a trust M1911. I decide "hey maybe I'll be nice." I started to help one of them in his raid, defending him from the zeds and stuff. Then this other dude came running in like a maniac while I was glitching up my last mag of M1911 so I didn't run out of ammo, he saw me shoot a couple zeds down to make trapsing about easier and leads all the aggro'd zombies to me while I'm in my gear menu. Next thing I know I'm dead before I can close it. That's my first and only death so far. I hope to have some funnier deaths later. Much later.