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Posts posted by Koncept

  1. Not a problem man, and the next time your in a bind, use that compass to find your way lolz :P I'm glad to keep players in the game with all their gear intact cuz I know how it feels to start from scratch :|

    Haha, out of all the things i found, a compass wasn't one. I normally always find one but can never find a map. Cheers man, will really help me out =).

  2. Hi,

    Im in need of pretty much everything, i'm in kamenka, but im not sure where. The only piece of info i can give is that im next to the coast line, or close to it. I have nothing to give, but i would really appreciate it.

    I'd be more than willing to trade/supply you guys with items from time to time if your nearby and need anything.

    Edit: I'm now fine, but i'm willing to help anybody else if they are close.
